Governor Corbett Compares Same Sex Marriage to Incest

Corbett Pennsylvania

So yesterday we learn that a County Commissioner from Lehigh County compared domestic partners (and same sex married people) to pets. Today, Governor Corbett lowered the bar back to comparing our relationships to incest. The context?  He was taking responsibility for the inappropriate comparison of same sex marriage to child marriage, claiming that “a brother […]

NaBloPoMo: Costume Redux

Hallloween costumes

The Prompt: Tell us about your favourite Halloween costume from childhood. I can only remember 3. When I was just in school, my parents bought me a store made Super Girl costume. The type in a cardboard box with a pieve of cellophane through which you could see the mask. It was blond, sculpted perfection to […]

Lehigh County Commissioner Compares Domestic Partners to Pets

Just when you think … oh who am I kidding? This doesn’t suprise anyone. Speaking on the extension of equal marriage benefits to same-sex couples in the state, Lehigh County Commissioner Tom Creighton made the comments whilst pushing an amendment which would deny equal benefits to same-sex partners of county employees. “The state has a […]

NaBloPoMo: Costumes

The prompt: Will you dress up for Halloween? What will you be? Actually, I don’t have much to say about that question so I’m going to go rogue. To be fair, no I won’t wear a costume. I’ll wear my annual Halloween orange shirt when I hand out the candy. Woo hoo! I bought this shirt […]

How Government Closure Impacts LGBTQ Community

A few thoughts on how shutting down the federal government could impact the LGBTQ community directly.   1. The Women Infants and Children program is suspended. With more than 20% of lesbian headed families relying on food stamps, these cuts will be immediate and severe to many of those families. It also delays processing of […]

NaBloPoMo: Autumnal Flavour? Turner’s Orange Drink Of Course

The prompt:  What is your favourite autumnal flavour? OK, so this makes me giggle. There are so many to choose from such as pumpkin, pumpkin spice, pumpkin pie, pumpkin latte, pumpkin pie Blizzards, pumpkin roll, pumpkin seeds- not so much – and then every type of candy bar known to mankind but wrapped in a […]

NaBloPoMo: A Few Of My Favorite Things

Hello. Welcome to my blog, Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents. I’m participating in BlogHer’s “NaBloPoMo” during October as a writing exercise. Things you should know: I’m a lesbian, I live in Pittsburgh, my partners of 10+ years is known as Ledcat and we have a slew of pets. October is also my birthday month so it can […]

And The Birthday Bonanza Begins …

There are some occasional good things about being a commercialized society and one of them is that tons of places want your birthday business. You know the drill – sign up for their membership whatever group and you get coupons and other advertising year round, with the bonus of a nice birthday freebie. Some are […]

Oh The Pain ….

Ten months, two concussions and not a single mark or bruise on my brain. I’m in better shape – headwise – than most retired football players my age, right?  On Friday the 13, Ledcat and I were rear-ended. It wasn’t horrific and no trips to the ER were needed. But fast forward two weeks filled […]

Saturday is Peduto Campaign Kickoff