NaBloPoMo – I Can’t Help Falling

I’ve lost my blogging groove so I’m going back to the basics with NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month) a daily writing exercise organized by BlogHer. They have a theme “Fall” and provide daily prompts, but I can write about whatever I choose. But fall is so much more than a season. We’re talking about falling […]

1,000 Likes on Facebook! It Must Be the Cat Memes …

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Series on Mental Illness

This week, the Post-Gazette is running a series by the excellent Joe Smydo about the impact of the closure of Mayview State Hospital on people living with mental illness in this region. A special five-part series Sunday, Sept. 22: Overview and portrait of former Mayview State Hospital patients. Monday, Sept. 23: Community hospitals struggle with […]

My Precious …

Another Fail by the Post-Gazette on Coverage of Trans Issues

Richland School District will not allow Kasey Caron to run for Homecoming King because Kasey was identified as biologicaly female at birth. School board solicitor Timothy Leventry says Pennsylvania law requires a person born female to have a physician certify a sex change operation and have her birth certificate changed to legally be considered male. […]

Monday is Bisexuality Visibility Day

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that there’s been a Bisexuality Awareness (or Bi Pride) Day since 1999. Then immediately chagrined that I hadn’t known that. You are likely familiar with the ongoing dialogue around identity and language – affectionately dubbed “the alphabet soup” debate. Is it LGBT, GLBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQI, etc? In the midst […]

Feminism and trans rights are compatible

More than 400 feminist authors, bloggers and academics have signed onto a campaign to speak out against transphobia and attacks on transgender people by other feminists. (Update: More than 500 people have now signed, as of the afternoon of Sept. 19.) “A Statement of Trans-Inclusive Feminism and Womanism” is signed by people from all corners […]

Whose Afraid of Vagina Wolf? Not This Lesbian Blog

Hey hey hey. Exciting news. We are officially sponsoring a film in the 2013 ReelQ Lesbian and Gay Pittsburgh Film Festival. Our film is showing Saturday, October 12, 7 PM at the Harris. The festival kicks-off Friday night (a movie about Divine) and wraps up the following Saturay with a really fun film about a […]

A Bishop, a Rabbi and a Newspaper Columnist Walk Into a Gay Bar

The Post-Gazette has published a lovely piece from Rabbi Aaron B. Bisno, senior rabbi of Rodef Shalom Congregation in Squirrel Hill. We don’t like the government intruding into citizens’ personal lives, and we have a deeply ingrained sympathy for victims of prejudice, having so often been victims ourselves. As Rabbi Yoffie states, “We know from long […]