Update or Not
Lawyers have been consulted. The City remains mum. Wait til they hear our counteroffer. Ha.
Lawyers have been consulted. The City remains mum. Wait til they hear our counteroffer. Ha.
What a ridiculous question. How can you lose a registry? So a few days ago, we were informed that we have less than 5 weeks to comply with an “employee dependent verification” audit conducted by a third party contracted through the City (City Council and the Mayor approved of this, unanimously.) These audits are used […]
Go to the GLCC on youth night with donations. You never met such a gracious group of young folks eager to help unload AND share with each other. Things to donate School supplies Hygeine products Snacks Socks, gloves, hats Board games Craft supplies It will definitely lift your spirits. And do good.
Earlier in the week, Essential Pittsburgh spoke with State Representative Dan Frankel about HB 300 which would amend the state non-discrimination law to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. 22 states currently have protections for individuals based upon their sexual orientation, including most of the states surrounding Pennsylvania. Frankel says this makes the […]
(I posted a version of this message in a forum maintained by Helen Boyd, author of “My Husband Betty” and “She’s Not the Man I Married.” Helen asked if she could share it on her blog, enGender. I said sure … as long as I could share it with you! —Trish) — When people are […]
Singer-songwriter Chris Pureka is coming to Pittsburgh on Sunday August 25 and you can win a pair of tickets right here. Pureka has been compared to everyone from Ani DeFranco to Mary Gauthier to Neil Young and beyond. Pureka identifies as genderqueer. “I feel like I’m definitely a more butch lesbian, and that’s not very common in […]
The year was 1998. I was partway through my first semester of graduate school and ready to celebrate ten years of post-high school excitement. It was a nice event even though I was on my own. I saw some old friends and one nemesis who actually apologized to me. It was also a little sad […]
For a semi-lovely October Augut weekend, we had quite a nice time. Friday evening was super low-key as I was felled by my allergies and took a nap so we ended up watching “Orange is the New Black” and going to sleep early. Saturday was OUTrageous Bingo night. So off we went to Squirrel Hill for […]
Under the actual category of “You Go Girl” comes this great photo from Russian of two Russian women runners, Kseniya Ryzhova and Tatyana Firova, kissing as they were awarded their gold medals at the Track and Field World Championships on Saturday at Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow. According to The New Civil Rights Movement, a same-sex kiss is […]
I never really understood why or how people manage to monitor the grocery shopping habits of other people in their line. Yes, I might glance in someone’s cart while waiting my turn in line, but I tend to look away – sort of good manners dictating that I not stare at what people are purchasing. […]
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