Infographic: Women In Music

This says a lot. Via Musicians for Equal Opportunities for Women.

Pennsylvania: The Battle Ground for Marriage Equality And Where I Happen To Live

“It must be exciting living in Pennsylvania,” she typed via Facebook. “There’s something new every day.” She is, of course, referring to our unexpected status as an epicenter for the marriage equality struggle. The ACLU has taken the Commonwealth to federal court over marriage equality.  The State Attorney General won’t defend the lawsuit because she […]

Mumford & Sons Have a Sense of Humor

Time lapse video of Knit the Bridge installation

Why the LGBTQ Community Needs a Pittsburgh Dad Moment

I have a Pittsburgh Dad. He’s 72, worked in the steel mills for 50+ years, grew up in Brentwood, loves the Stillers and all the rest. He’s a socially conservative Republican Roman Catholic who doesn’t believe in climate change or unions, but he’s fine with his lesbian daughter. I  think he’s especially proud that my […]

LGBTQ&A: State Senator Wayne Fontana

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture.  Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles.   I’ve lived in Senator Fontana’s district for more than eight years and I”m very active – I email him pretty often and […]

Infographic: The Anti-Gay World via BuzzFeed

via BuzzFeed 

LGBTQ Family Law in PA “Total Chaos” Plus Advice from Dear Abby

From the Post-Gazette An audience member asked whether it was true that same-sex couples could file a joint return in a state like Massachusetts but couldn’t do so in Pennsylvania. The panel uniformly answered yes. “It’s total chaos,” said Tiffany Palmer of Jerner & Palmer. Whether to get married and where involves an individual analysis for each […]

This Is Why the GLCC Matters to Pittsburgh

A terrible story from Jamaica via the AP in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica — Dwayne Jones was relentlessly teased in high school for being effeminate until he dropped out. His father not only kicked him out of the house at the age of 14 but also helped jeering neighbors push the youngster from the rough Jamaican slum where he […]

Am I an Influenster? Mouthwash

So I decided to see how Influenster worked. The website is a bit overwhelming and its easy to get lost leaving reviews, but somehow I ended up reviewing Colgate Advance Pro-Shield Peppermint Blast mouthwash. I was just at the dentist in April and he told me that mouthwash is not effective, it just feels effective […]