The Post-Gazette And KDKA Both Need GBF’s Pronto!

I’m pretty disgusted over this. I don’t even really care that the PG will probably never again call me for a story. I should read more magazines anyway. When I read this article about non-discrimination legislation in Pennsylvania, I was pleased with how thorough the reporter was – she covered personal stories, recent court cases, […]

What Does Blogging for Justice Accomplish?

I’ve been strangely ambivalent about the #PghBlog4Justice project and unable to put my finger on why. I’ve been part of more than a dozen different blog events over the past years and typically enjoy a group think approach to a topic. Maybe its because to my knowledge there are no people of color participating? I […]

Dear UPMC – I Am Not “Other”

I’ve been at UPMC Shadyside since 6 AM as Ledcat is having some routine procedures. Like many others, I awoke early, dealt with an already crowded parking garage and sent my better half off to “the back” with a wee bit of anxiety. Just another family member. Except UPMC says I’m not. According to their […]

The Reason For The God Hates Jags Tee Shirts

Some folks have been asking questions about the reason for creating “God Hates Jags” tee shirts and selling them to benefit the Gay & Lesbian Community Center. The backstory on the tee shirts themselves can be found here. But this is why. Most people in our nation and around the world find this image repulsive. […]

Pittsburgh’s Second Annual ReuseFest – Saturday August 3 in Lawrenceville

The folks at the Pennsylvania Resources Council are teaming up with local non-profit groups to collect your extra “stuff” and get it into the hands of neighbors who can best reuse it. On Saturday, August 3, from 9-1, you can stop by the Goodwill parking lot in Lawrenceville with all of your reusable stuff. On […]

Dear PA Residents – Please Don’t Rush Into Getting Gay Married

I am so simply exhausted right now that I’m sure this post will be much more flippant than I intend. I’ve been on the phone ALL DAY dealing with media calls and trying to help people get services.  And doing laundry.  And medicating cats. The glamorous life. So I just read that Montgomery County, Pennsylvania […]

Facebook Responds – They DO Hate Jags

Yesterday, I reported on the interesting (to me at least) situation of Facebook refusing my money to promote a pretty great picture of LGBTQ community leader, Rick Allison wearing a God Hates Jags shirt. I took the photo so I’m the best person to determine if its great, right? Facebook said “NO” and I filled […]

Philadelphia Trans Woman, Diamond Williams, Murdered & Further Violated by the Media

UPDATED Last week, Diamond Williams – a trans woman living in Philly – was brutally murdered and dismembered by Charles Sargent, then dumped in a vacant lot  in the Strawberry Mansion neighborhood. Sargent is in jail and has been charged. Sadly, the mainstream media added another atrocious twist to this gruesome story by making repeated […]

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Calls for ENDA Passage

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has come out in support of passage of the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Although federal law bans employment discrimination based on race, religion, ethnicity, age and disability, it does not prohibit bias due to sexual orientation or gender identity. Some states have laws that provide such protection, but Pennsylvania is among 29 […]

More Facebook Style Homophobia – Facebook, Apparently, Likes Jags?

So if God Hates Jags and Facebook rejects a paid post that says so, does that mean Facebook does not hate jags or that they might even like jags? Could Facebook secretly be teaming up with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette to redeem the jagoff? Do you think anyone at Facebook HQ knows what a jag is? […]