Photos from the Pgh Trayvon Martin Sit-In Weds July 17, 2013

On Wednesday, July 17, I attended the press conference called by the community in response to the verdict in the trial of George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin as well as other incidents of racial injustice in Pittsburgh. After the press conference, the group moved to the City County Building where they delivered […]

Because Sometimes You Need A Gentle Smile

My Thoughts on LGBT Outreach

The folks at OutreachU, a local business supporting non-profits with tools for advocacy and outreach efforts, asked me to talk with them about the outreach successes in the LGBTQ community. Here’s my first video. To keep it “real” we were able to record the video in one of the offices at the Gay and Lesbian […]

Pittsburgh Pride Theater Festival is Back!

Fri & Sat nights: $20; or groups of 20+: $15 Thurs night and Sat. matinee: $15 For reservations: or 412-256-8109

Disrupting Injustice As Usual for Trayvon Martin – A Call To Action for Pgh’s LGBTQ Community

To get caught up on the details of how queer organizers at New Voices Pittsburgh are leading the local response to the verdict in the trial of the murder of Trayvon Martin, click here (I’ll return to that later.) Here’s what’s coming up:   Wednesday, July 17, 12p Press Conference Allegheny County Courthouse 436 Grant […]

Tampons, Texas and Tears – Sister Supplies

The meme about the Texas State Legislature banning state resident from bringing tampons or pads into the General Assembly buildings during a heated debate on abortion really got me thinking. On its face, this is patently absurd – have you ever tried to throw a tampon at anyone? Or a pad? Even drenched in water, […]

Wild Lesbian Night In Rehoboth

During our recent trip to Rehoboth Beach, we met a woman a few years older than us who wanted to experience the lesbian life (she’s a lesbian.) So we headed out one evening to see what we could find. Rehoboth has a reputation for being gay owned and gay friendly. It didn’t take us long […]

Thursday Marriage Equality Round-Up (and More)

To help you stay current: The judge for the federal lawsuit has been named (via the PG) Profiles of some of the local couples involved in the lawsuit (via the PG) has a story, too. The background story (and quotes from me!) via the PG A nice profile of one of the couples involve […]

Allegheny County Should Not Put Foster Children at Risk to Save Money

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial board (which endorsed Corbett and Wagner for God’s sake) Allegheny County is planning to use the cards to issue payments to foster parents. That’s the wrong way to go. State and local governments should be trying to protect workers and consumers from exploitation, not using the service just because they […]

ACLU Files Federal Lawsuit for Marriage Equality in Pennsylvania

By now, you’ve probably heard the big news – the ACLU has filed suit in federal court on behalf of 11 plaintiffs, challenging the constitutionality of the Pennsylvania DOMA. Six of the plaintiffs are PA couples who cannot marry in their state of residence and 5 are couples or individuals who married out of state […]