Another Fine Letter to the Editor

Another Fine Letter to the Editor

Kathi Boyle, Executive Director of the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force, wrote in to the Post-Gazette to underscore the importance of a comprehensive, realistic approach to sex ed. I agree completely with Stacie Murphy's March 29 Forum piece, “Quit Clowning Around,” regarding sex education for teens. Abstinence is a wonderful goal, but the reality of how […]

4 days …

4 days …

As I've written, I have election fatigue.  Tony Norman persuaded me that Obama “has this” so I'm sort of lacking in the last minute urgency department, probably b/c I have urgent stuff happening on a personal level and there's only so much urgency to go aroud.  Intellectually, I have some sense of guilt when I […]

Chris Potter shares a fascinating glimpse into Carpatho-Rusyn culture in this week's City Paper. Two things struck me.  First, there's the notion of an ethnicity without a nationality as the Rusyns aren't really from anywhere.  Kind of like the Roma.  Minus the hate.  Second, there is the idea of building “postmodern culture” which balances tradition […]

Outdoor movies, swimming pools & where the hell is Flagstaff Hilll?

Outdoor movies, swimming pools & where the hell is Flagstaff Hilll?

Yesterday was a productive day here at Lesbian Central.  We both had the day off and got started early with a quick blog, a bagel and a several errands.  Stopped by Construction Junction to donate a microwave (poked around, but came up empty handed)and then had lunch at The Quiet Storm.  I have to admit […]