Pittsburgh PrideFest 2014 and Beyond: Five Things to Consider

We were on 5th Avenue at 11 AM to line up for the Pride Awareness March and hung in until the very end of the day, trekking our way back to our car after 6. The march was terrific – we ended up at the bend where 5th turns into Liberty and so we had […]

LGBTQ&A: La’Tasha Mayes and The Power of ‘The Two’

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles. When La’Tasha first explained to me how “reproductive justice” was a queer issue, I was amazed to have this new paradigm. And to meet […]

People-watching at Pridefest

I spent yesterday’s Pridefest helping out at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer booth. (Well, OK, maybe “helping” is a strong word. I mostly stood there and tried not to get in the way. But I did bring candy, so I’m not a complete box of loose parts.) It was my first Pridefest, and it […]

LGBTQ&A: Brian McCollum Pins Down How To Support LGBTQ Culture

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles. The Pittsburgh Bowling twitter account is hopping. I noticed right away how persistent they were in promoting the groups that they love and the […]

LGBTQ&A Pride Edition: Ledcat

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles. If there is one thing I’ve learned, it is that a proper introduction to your partner of ten years is a difficult thing to […]

LGBTQ&A: Jessie Ramey Believes That LGBTQ Kids Are Part of Yinzercation

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles. I met Jessie through her advocacy for public education. It became almost immediately apparent that she understood LGBTQ issues for students (and […]

LGBTQ&A: Liz de Jesus Steers Pittsburgh PFLAG To Be a Safe Space

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles.  During Pride 2013, we are trying to feature someone each day.   Liz is the President of the Pittsburgh chapter of PFLAG. […]

Sue Will Be Guest on Essential Pittsburgh Discussing Pridefest Today

I’ll be on the WESA 90.5 daily talk show “Essential Pittsburgh” today along with Gary Van Horn from the Delta Foundation. Our topic is the cultural impact of pridefest on the region and inclusivity.   Pittsburgh Pride’s website quotes Richard Florida in his best-selling book on economic growth, The Rise of the Creative Class, “the most […]

LGBTQ&A: Heather Arnet Misses the Lesbian Avengers and Pegasus

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles.  During Pride 2013, we are trying to feature someone each day.   I can remember where I first learned about the Women […]

Pittsburgh Dyke and Trans March

Pittsburgh is one of the few cities with a trans inclusive Dyke March – a reflection of how our unique LGBTQ community creates interesting spaces.