LGBTQ&A: Jessi Strucaly Prefers Her Civil Rights Without Sugar, Please

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles.  I met Jessi several years ago through her wife, Emilia. If I had to pick one person (aside from Ledcat) that I […]

Local Theater Company Celebrates Pride With Female Erotic Theatrical Expose

Earlier in May, we were introduced to Off The Wall Productions theater company in Carnegie, PA. We are excited to share that they are producing a one-night only performance for Pride – “The Secret of the Pear for Women Who Love Womenl” on Tuesday, June 11 at 8 PM. A Pittsburgh Pride Event by The […]

Happy “Anaversary” to Our Little Pooch

Adopt a dog

Five years ago today, we drove to Indiana County to meet and bring home our first “co-parented” addition to our family – Ana. She was in a rescue called Starfish to the Sea – we found her on Petfinder. She’s a little happy-go-lucky prima donna mix now. Favorite activities include ninja stealth attacks on the […]

LGBTQ&A: John DeBartola Pushes Boundaries Between Rural and Urban Western PA

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles. As editor of the newsletter, John has occasionally featured posts from our blog. I’ve been struck by how vigorously he works to […]

Jen Asks YOU to Change Your Facebook/Twitter Profiles to Support LGBTQ Equality in Scouting

Jen and her son Cruz are in Texas this week, working very hard for today’s vote to lift (partially) the BSA ban on LGBTQ scouts and leaders.  She asked me to ASK you to support them by changing your profile pictures. Visit the GLAAD website for all the details. Jen missed her daughter’s 8th grade […]

Save the Date: Blogging for LGBT Families Day is June 3, 2013

Once again, we’ll be participating in Blogging for LGBT Families Day, this year on Monday, June 3. Save the date! Monday, June 3, will be the 8th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day, hosted right here at Mombian—but powered by your blogs! Anyone who wants to post in support of LGBT families is welcome. The event is […]

OUTrageous Bingo Expands to Summer Months

Pittsburgh loves its bingo and OUTrageous Bingo has been entertaining for over a decade to the delight of LGBTQ folks, allies, families and those who love a fun bingo. Luminaries from Rob Rogers to Mayoral candidate Bill Peduto have lent their time to support this Pittsburgh institution. Great news – OUTrageous Bingo is continuing through […]

LGBTQ History in Pittsburgh – The Election of Bill Peduto as Mayor

Last night, it was a real thrill to be standing in the crowd at the Federation of Teachers and watch as Bill Peduto was confirmed as the Democratic nominee for office of Mayor of Pittsburgh. We arrived early and I couldn’t stop smiling. It was a very unique mix of people watching the numbers on […]

Days of Our Lives – The Unfolding Story of Nick’s Homophobia (Maybe)

For the past year, DAYS has been exploring a multifaceted gay storyline involving the sweet romance of Will Horton and Sonny Kiriakis, along with the homophobia of Will’s cousin Nick Fallon. This week, we are starting to see the “explanation” for Nick’s homophobia  – he was raped in prison by a pretty scary dude, Jensen. […]

UPDATED: PWSA Shenanigans For Wagner Campaign?

This report is in from a Peduto poll watcher. “I was a watcher for Mr. Peduto in the 10th Ward today. I was disturbed to see a PWSA truck pull up to our polling place, and hand off several Jack Wagner signs, as well as a few other various handouts. It was obvious to me […]