Kevin McClatchy at GLAAD Awards


The Haunting “Sequel” of Abigail Williams at City Theatre

It is not often that I leave a cultural event with the phrase “that was epic” on my lips, but the City Theatre’s production of “Abigail/1702” made it happen. A vivid imagining of the escape and redemption of Abigail Williams – one of the chief accusers from the Salem witch trials – the play was […]

On Our Way to San Jose … Hurrah!

Thank you for patiently supporting my quest to earn a scholarship to the Netroots Nation 2013 Conference – We did it! Yesterday, I learned that I was awarded one of the merit scholarships from Democracy for America’s NN13 competition. Five scholarships were awarded based on social media votes (I finished in 12th place out of […]

LGBTQ&A: Judicial Candidate Eleanor Bush Understands Why Burt Hummel is The Greatest Parent in the History of Television

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles. I first met Eleanor and her husband in a coffeehouse in Squirrel Hill – and I was immediately struck by her energy. […]

LGBT-rex (From Facebook)

The Catholic Pro-Life Voting League Wants You To Take This Sheet Into the Voting Booth With You

Please click “like” or leave a comment if you “get” this. 

Why Can’t I Use “Nice” Words When I Ask For Help? ALL THE VULGAR WORDS!

I’m circulating a petition asking a local business owner to meet and discuss a situation where an employee used the word “tranny.” I’m encountering resistance from people who would prefer I not include the word “tranny” (even in quotes) because it offends them. It is vulgar. Or its so in their face. It is not […]

Delaware Offers Marriage Equality While PA Introduces “Marriage Protection” Amendment

Good job Delaware. I’m glad I’ll be spending a few days there this summer and promise to spend money! Meanwhile here in Pennsylvania, State Representative Daryl Metcalfe is caught up in the “let’s go back in time” Western PA groove and has introduced ANOTHER bill that would define marriage in our Constitution. It is  HB […]

Ask Pgh 7-Eleven Franchise Owner to Meet and Discuss Trans Bashing Incident

Here’s the story in a nutshell. I witnessed an employee of a local 7-Eleven (Western Avenue on the Northside) use the word “tranny” while at the register and I confronted him. He ran into the office, I reported him to corporate and asked for a meeting with the store owner. They refuse. I simply want […]

Bill Peduto Unveils “Clean” Ad – This is Excellent