Childish tactics

I know the whole situation with the city of Pittsburgh is driving Sue up the wall, and I’m a little angry, too, but I’m also amused. Because to me, this is ridiculous, and typical of a childish mentality … a bully’s mentality. Bullies like to be naughty and play pranks, but they don’t have the […]

Meanwhile, at the City of Pittsburgh Computer Information Services Department

(FYI, this is NOT PORN. This is satire. Not the kind they teach at Taylor Allderdice High School, but the kind they teach on British television. If you laugh at ANYTHING in this clip, please sign my petition.)

“Sodom and Gomorrah in Your Face” and Other Stupid Things Haters Say

Letter To The Editor Pittsburgh

We love letters to the editor and Pittsburgh has been unusually prolific of late.   Over at the Post-Gazette website you’ll find this dialogue unfolding, replete with LOTS of comments. Daniel J. Robinson of West Deer goes to bat for the Bible trumping the Constitution. He also seems to have missed a year or so of […]

Don’t Make Me Wear a Rick Santorum Sweater Vest!

You may have noticed that I’m trying to win a scholarship to Netroots Nation? If I am selected, this will cover a significant part of my expenses to travel to this 3 day conference plus the 1 day LGBTQ by-invitation-only preconference. I played the “I used to intern for Rick Santorum” card the other day […]

Sue to Guest on Mike Signorile Show Today (Monday)

If you have access to Sirius XM (and you can get trial access through the website) – I’ll be on the Michaelangelo Signorile show this afternoon at 4:30 PM. We’ll be discussing blogs, blocks, bans and Rick Santorum. See, it always comes back to him. Mike is also the editor-in-chief of HuffPost Gay Voices and […]

Breaking: Our Change.Org Petition Met Signature Goal in Under 36 Hours

Just a quick note to thank everyone for their support. It isn’t the easiest thing in the world to run two simultaneous crowdsharing type tasks, but with your support – we are getting there. Our petition at just reached the initial goal of 500 signatures in less than 1.5 days! We’ve had media inquiries […]

Does Rick Santorum Want You To Vote For This Lesbian?

Please click to vote! 

Pgh Human Relations Commission Describes LGBTQ as “Lifestyle,” Claims This Blog Has Porn Content

UPDATE: If you want to take action, please sign my petition via  I just reviewed the official minutes from the March 4, 2013 meeting of the Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations. Commissioner Beth Pittinger expressed concern that this blog was blocked by the City web filters based on the word “lesbian” in the URL, […]

LGBTQ&A: John – Blogger, Ally, Caller-Outer of Jagoffs

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture.                   I met John a few years ago when his (super awesome) blog, YaJagoff, called out someone for parking in a spot reserved […]

THIS Could Be My Way to San Jose – Please Vote For My Scholarship Application

Please help me get to California for Netroots Nation 13. What? A trip to California?  San Jose is one of the greenest cities in the nation and NN was the first conference to donate tote bags all the way back in 2009. I really need to be there. And I need your vote to win […]