LGBTQ&A: Sherry Pasquarello, Ally and Poet

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. I met Sherry Pasquarello via the Pittsburgh Women’s Blogging Society – she is a staunch ally and avid user of social media. She is a source of eclectic, engaging information and inspires […]

Changed Your Avatar? Next Step – Email Senator Casey

This post fuses two interesting themes. Did the great avatar swap on Facebook have any impact? US Senators are now coming out in support of marriage equality, 9 Democrats left.   So yes – you can demonstrate that changing your avatar had an impact, on you. How? By contacting US Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and […]

Show me a rose

One of my favorite authors is Greensburg-based mystery writer K.C. Constantine. In one of his early books, hard-drinking defense attorney Myron Valcanas shows up at the state police barracks to represent one of his clients. As his stumbles through the door, Valcanas tips his hat to the female police dispatchers. I don’t have the exact […]

Pgh LGBTQ Vigil – The Wrong Straight Man?

More than 100 people turned out Wednesday for a vigil following the final day of argument on marriage equality before the Supreme Court. It was freezing and rainy/snowy and basically not a fun time – but it was still great. The crowd was diverse, the signs were fun and I’ll let the photos speak for […]

All the Red Equality Memes!

So I spent my day pouring through Supreme Court updates and … collecting memes as they unfolded. Memes based on the red HRC equality sign. I found over 35 versions. Check them out here.  Memes with bacon, Siracha sauce, apples, Muppets, SNL characters, and what I think is a sloth. People are very creative. Grumpy […]

Daytime Television and LGBTQ Stories: How Will General Hospital Approach It?

UPDATE: Bobbie mentioned that Lucas lives in Seattle, hoped he’d settle down with a nice young man and scene cuts to Felix. Booyah! ****************************************************************** It is pretty clear that I am both a daytime television fan and a true believe that these shows break ground with LGBTQ characters. One of the most hotly discussed topics […]

Eco-Wedneday: Tote Bags, Baby

I’ve been trying to come up with some fun twist on “greening the pink” community but nothing quite works (green + pink = blah anyway.) Still, in the interest that environmental issues are LGBTQ issues, I’m trying to dedicate a little blog space to the green knowledge I’ve picked up over the past two years. […]

Video: All the sights, sounds and emotions of the Marriage Equality Rally

Via the fabulous Mark S. King of My Fabulous Disease … impressive he had this together and posted so quickly!

My Marriage Equality Icon for Facebook


Trib Letter to the Editor Reminds Us What We Face

It is difficult for me to muster up a logical response to this type of blind ignorance. But we must find a way to counter the messages of hate (yes, hate) and bad information. There is no such thing as gay sex. Sex between consenting adults is not a sin. But Albert Hancock of New […]