LGBTQ&A: Mayoral Candidate Bill Peduto, Longtime Ally

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Bill Peduto, current City Councilor in District 8 and candidate for Mayor, has a long history as a staunch ally for the LGBTQ community. Bill was a founding member of Steel City […]

What I Like About You! You Really Use Facebook Well!

When you post up, down, all around … well, okay, that’s hard to work into this theme. But we are closing in on 500 likes on our Facebook page. Can you help us reach the goal this month? Click on the logo OR use the like box in the right hand column. What do you […]

OUT 2 Dance Fuses Fun With a Good Cause For LGBTQ Women in Pittsburgh

One pervasive myth about Pittsburgh is that there isn’t enough things to do. Longtime community member Cindy rose to the challenge by organizing a twice-year dance for LGBTQ women, to benefit the Gay & Lesbian Community Center and provide a social opportunity.  Out 2 Dance is scheduled for Saturday April 6 from 4-11 PM at […]

Tonight – Rev Janet Edwards Leads Interfaith Worship Service “Lifting Up Marriage Equality With Prayer

“I am certain one theme in the Monday night event will be that whatever the SCOTUS does will be only a point on the arc of justice and definitely not the end point.” Tonight, an Interfaith prayer service will take place at the First United Methodist Church, 7 PM. (Aiken and Centre in Shadyside.) Worship […]

More Kitty Memes …

Daytime Television and Sexual Assault – Will DAYS do the “prison rape” story?

Trigger Warnings: Sexual Assault, Homophobia, Days of Our Lives has had a marvelous unfolding of their gay supercouple “WilSon” over the past year. Sonny Kiriakis and Will Horton are both legacy characters, easy to like and coping with the good soapy stuff any heterosexual couple faces – including a custody battle. They even have a […]

Cute Cat Moment

Cat Redux

Well, that should read reduction. We aren’t reducing the number of cats, just their weights. We have three overweight cats who are now on a diet. And unhappy about it. We had to strategically balance the senior cats need to access food on demand with the dreaded removal of dry food. So we determined that […]

LGBTQ&A: Bram Reichbaum – Blogger, Ally

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Bram Reichbaum is a highly respected political blogger in the Pittsburgh region. His hallmark is producing well-researched thoughtful reflections on the larger threads that run through the political scene. Bram has contributed […]

Why We Offer Giveaways

I Love Giveaways

So why is a lesbian blog doing “giveaways?”  It began several years ago when I was approached to participate in media night for Cirque du Soleil and give away a pair of passes. It was fun! I wrote about the show and that was that. Since then we’ve been approached several times. I’ve blogged about […]