Letter to the editor: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Letter to the editor:  Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Robert Perloff of Shadyside believes in Barack Obama as the “Do Ask, Do Tell” President: President Barack Obama differs with the “don't ask, don't tell” homosexual policy of earlier presidencies. He seeks to remove homosexuality as a forbidden species and to respect and pay tribute to gays and lesbians who wish to serve in the […]

Pennsylvania state employees granted domestic partner benefits

Pennsylvania state employees granted domestic partner benefits

Breaking news from the Philadelphia Gay News: Pennsylvania state employees in same-sex relationships will now be able to obtain the same medical benefits for their partners as heterosexual married employees. The Pennsylvania Employees Benefit Trust Fund, a non-governmental agency that oversees the state benefits programs, will offer medical, prescription drug, dental, vision and hearing-aid benefits […]

LGBTQ Prom and More

LGBTQ Prom and More

GLSEN's Pittsburgh chapter is holding another LGBTQ safe prom.  Unified, Safe Prom For All May 24, 2009Sunday7:00 PM – 11:00 PMBest Western – Parkway Center Mall GLSEN Pittsburgh is proud to present Unified, Safe Prom For All. Tickets ($25.00) can be purchased by check or money order made payable to “GLSEN Pittsburgh.” Please include name(s) […]

Letter to the editor in PG: equal rites vs equal rights?

Letter to the editor in PG: equal rites vs equal rights?

Today's Post-Gazette includes a letter from Jeffrey O. Mast of Cecil.  Mast supports the secular equality of the LGBTQ community, but draws the line at religious rites. I was with the gay activists when what they sought was equal protection under the law. Now it seems the gay activists wish to commandeer the word “marriage.” […]

City Council District 6 from the queer perspective

City Council District 6 from the queer perspective

I read the Post-Gazette's endorsement of Robert Daniel Lavelle this morning with some skepticism.  I've lived on the Northside for almost 4 years.  Tonya Payne is the only elected official representing Manchester who has showed up IN MANCHESTER.  Not only that, she actually organizes meetings specific to our neighborhood.  I've never seen Robert Daniel Lavelle […]

Specter’s Switch

Specter’s Switch

There's so much LGBTQ analysis of this news that my head is spinning.  People are celebrating, people are leery, people don't know what's going to happen.  Specter switched parties.  If Al Franken is seated, it gives the Democrats a filibuster proof majority (60).  Good stuff can happen.  Good stuff for LGBTQ persons might happen.  Specter […]

Paging Dan Onorato – You’ve Got a Friend in New York

Paging Dan Onorato – You’ve Got a Friend in New York

Pam Spaulding nails the Democrats on their social conservative bull. And as it's quite obvious, this isn't a New York problem. This is a Democratic party problem. It manifests itself in the whole “go slow” attitude on legislation that during the election year promises sounded like change was around the corner; it's the whole “uh, […]

Big Gay Day

Big Gay Day

Wow.  Yesterday was quite the day for the LGBTQ community.  First, the Vermont legislature overturned a veto of the marriage equality legislation, becoming the 4th state in the country to legalize same sex marriage.  That's almost 10% of the states.  Woo hoo. Plus, the District of Columbia Council voted to recognize same sex marriages performed […]

The AFA of PA responds to Iowa decision

The AFA of PA responds to Iowa decision

Ah, Diane Gramley is a wee bit upset that our midWestern cousins have determined that equality means true equality.  At least in terms of state approved marriage.  She's plays her strongest card to push for a marriage amendment in PA — Iowa overturning a DOMA law.  What she doesn't tell you is that, to my […]

Hawaiian Bill: Dead.

Hawaiian Bill:  Dead.

The Hawaiian Civil Unions bill died in committee. DISAPPOINTMENT:  A motion to pull the Hawaii civil unions bill from the deadlocked Senate Judiciary Committee failed this afternoon 18 to 6, effectively killing the measure. The legislation passed the House of Representatives by a 33-17 vote on February 12. Sen. Gary Hooser, who made the motion to pull the bill […]