Jimmy Kimmel on the “City Gaydar System” of Washington, PA

Well, Luke Ravenstahl was on Letterman. I guess Matt Staniszewski has followed in his footsteps by being the object of a Jimmy Kimmel bit. Sort of? I’ve received links to this video from a zillion friends. Props to Kimmel for the good pronounciation.


(This is a modified edition of a blog post originally published at Huffington Post GayVoices.) “What exactly does it mean to be transgender?” “Why do they want to change their sex?” “Why can’t they just be gay or lesbian?” These are some of the questions I so ignorantly used to think about transgender people. I […]

Trib Letter to the Editor on Marriage Equality: “religion does not always know best”

The letter to the editor dialogue around LGBTQ rights continues to unfold in the Tribune Review. I love what Sterling Sorrow of Harrison has to say.  What sense does it make, then, to believe that gay marriage is illegal on the grounds of religion? The last time I checked, the Constitution, not the Bible, is […]

Openly Lesbian NYC Council Speaker Announces Bid for Mayor

Christine Quinn, openly LGBTQ Speaker of the NYC Council, has announced her plan to run for Mayor. A Quinnipiac University poll released late last month finds Quinn, who would become the city’s first female and openly gay mayor, leads New York City Public Advocate Bill De Blasio and other leading Democratic challengers. The survey also found 63 […]

Giveaway: Two Tickets to Pittsburgh Opera Performance “Madama Butterfly”

This is an exciting giveaway! The Pittsburgh Opera has teamed up with us to give away two tickets to a performance of Madama Butterfly on Tuesday, March 19 at 7 PM at the Benedum Center. Cio-Cio San’s open heart and trusting nature are the reasons that Pinkerton should love her, and the reasons that we […]

International Women’s Day – Lesbian Style

Well, okay, this is not going to be that interesting of a post. I was just texting with Ledcat about our plans for this evening – we are going to dinner at Eat n Park (using a gift card) and then doing some birthday shopping at Barnes and Noble for our favorite nephew, JJ (he’s […]


HauteButch Styling

A couple of weeks ago I received a package from clothing company HauteButch. The package contained a gorgeous white shirt with gold and blue paisley trim and a blue, gray and white striped bow tie. HauteButch provides fitted menswear styled clothing for butch, stud, boi and tomboi women.Since I self identify as a “soft butch” and […]

Washington, PA Councilman Claims He Used Gay to Mean “Happy” in Email Test Message

In another fun example of Western PA’s descent into a red haze, we have this story from “Little Washington” PA – Councilman Matt Staniszewski sent out a mass email with the statement “Bryan is gay.” He admits he did it. The email was sent as part of a test run of a new emergency alert system. […]

Read Along With “Little Women” During March – I’m In!

What could bring more cheer on the eve of a blizzard (ahem) than an invitation to re-read “Little Women” – nothing! The blog Fizzy Thoughts is inviting everyone to read along. Fun. You can join in the #MarmeeOn (get it?) What’s your favorite part of Little Women?