NaBloPoMo: My Superhero Smoosh Name

Friday, January 18, 2013 What would be your superhero name and why? Today is the “half-year” anniversary for Ledcat and me … 9 and 1/2 years together. We have an ongoing “discussion” about what constitutes our anniversary since we aren’t able to legally marry. But she humors me. So, one time I asked my Facebook […]

PATF Infographic

This a well done infographic.

Blog for Choice Day 2013

Once again, the NARAL Pro-Choice America is sponsoring a day of blogging this time in honor of the 40th Anniversary of Rose v Wade. On January 22, 2013 – the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade– we invite pro-choice bloggers and activists to join us for the eighth annual Blog for Choice Day! Blog for Choice […]

NABloPoMo: Weird Things That Energize Me

Throwing a tennis ball to my dogs. I love it. I can’t do it with my bum hand — and my left hand throws fill Ms. Marjorie’s fenced-in-yard with most of our balls. But it is so much fun to see how joyfully they play. Xander is relentless. Deus yips and prances. Ana barks fiercely […]

NaBloPoMo: Kryptonite

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 If you were a superhero, what would be your kryptonite, draining your energy? Kryptonite is a fictional material from the Superman mythos — the ore form of a radioactive element from Superman’s home planet of Krypton. It is famous for being the ultimate natural weakness of Superman and most other Kryptonians, and the word Kryptonitehas since become synonymous with an Achilles’ heel —the one […]

Eight Ways To Pay It Forward

If you use Facebook or Twitter, chances are that you’ve come across some pretty amazing people – especially parents who have lost a child – asking others to pay it forward in honor of their loved one. That often gets me thinking of how we want to focus on individual actions sometimes at the expense […]

Sally Stopped Believing … Don’t Tell Journey

Sally Stopped Believing … Don’t Tell Journey

Source: via Sue Kerr on Pinterest

NaBloPoMo: Does Navel Gazing Generate Energy?

Today’s topic is self-generated after reading a little online dialogue about the impact/value/merit of the NaBloPoMo exercise. The question seems to be – does a writing exercise that may generate somewhat banal content have merit – does the content generated count for anything beyond the original experiential benefit of creating it? I’m new to this […]

NaBloPoMo: Superhero?

Monday, January 14, 2013 If you were a superhero, what would be your hidden superpower? How about this? Yep, cape and everything. For social media. OK, for Twitter! But blogging begat twitter for moi! I will tell you that it is best to wear a superhero cape over a tee shirt, not a blazer. Anyway, […]

NaBloPoMo: Energy Redux

I’ve never consumed an energy drink. I tasted Red Bull once. It was awful. That was in 2004 at PrideFest. It was free. I sipped and promptly tossed the entire thing. I’ve also never used medication to get energy. I take an antidepressant seasonally, but that’s not the same thing as a “very special episode” […]