Book Review: Touch & Go

Lisa Gardner’s Touch & Go is somewhat engaging, puzzling and essentially a good fit for a weekend read or a plane trip. The very wealthy Denbe famly – Justin, wife Libby and 15 year old daughter Ashlyn – are kidnapped. The FBI, local law enforcement and private investigator Tessa Leoni race against time to find […]

“Gay Boys” on Daytime Television

On daytime television’s Days of Our Lives, two significant characters – Will Horton and Sonny Kiriakis – are gay and in-love. Sadly, Will slept with his ex-girlfriend (and step aunt) Gabi and impregnated her. Like the gay men do. Gabi then started to date Nick Fallon, Will’s cousin and recently released convicted murderer. Nick thought […]

“Homosexuals used to live their lives and keep to themselves.” Letter to the Editor in Tribune Review.

Well Rudy Gagliardi of Arnold pulls no punches in his absurd rationalizations for his homophobic views. Re. Melissa Charlton’s letter, “Open our minds to gays” (Jan. 13.), which was critical of my letter, “Gay marriage (Jan. 5): I don’t know why anyone would choose to be gay, a pedophile, a druggie or a prostitute. But […]

My First Book Review: Touch & Go by Lisa Gardner

I’ve never written a book review before so I consider myself fortunate to have ended up with a pretty engaging mystery novel for my first one.  Tomorrow, I will post my review for “Touch & Go” by Lisa Gardner for the Blogher Book Club. From the outside, the Denbe family has it all. They own […]

FMLA for the LGBTQ Community

2013 is the twentieth anniversary of the Family Medical Leave Act. Having had to use this leave one time, I am very grateful it exists. However, many people do not realize the limitations of the Act. From the HRC Because federal law does not recognize same-sex relationships, the FMLA does not require employers to provide […]

From CNN: Brendon Ayanbadejo talks NFL gay rights

There are so many wonderful quotes in this interview – his respectful inclusion of the trans community, awareness of international issues, his acnowledgement of his privilege, his understanding of how the Constitution works – this is an ally. And I love his description of masculine culture. “Everyone’s been talking to gay people our entire lives […]

Jen Tyrrell, Other Advocates To Deliver 1.4 Million Signatures to Boy Scouts HQ

Jen is in Dallas today and heading to New York this week to volunteer her time to push for the change to the Boy Scouts policy. She’s sending dispatches for us to post. Update: Had a great meeting last night with some of the key players in this movement! Greg Bourke (Den Leader, Ousted because […]

Losing my religion: Part 2

(Part 1.) My mom guessed I was transgender before I was ready to tell her. She had noticed a couple of things, like my long fingernails and plucked eyebrows. But the thing that really convinced her was when I told her I was leaving the church of my birth — the Roman Catholic church. I […]

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Use of “Homosexuals” Not Helping Gay Boy Scouts

I’m fairly certain the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial board is not being ironic when it opines: In facing up to its own legacy of bias, the Boy Scouts of America is considering a less than all-American remedy. After years of outside criticism and withdrawn financial support, the organization announced Monday that it might allow individual troops […]

Bullied LGBT Teen Taken Off Life Support; So Tell Me Again Why It Doesn’t Matter what Pro-Football Players Say?

This is just heartbreaking. A gay teenager in La Grande, Oregon died after a suicide attempt that took place in the schoolyard of an elementary school. Fifteen-year-old Jadin Bell hung himself on Saturday, Jan. 19, but according to Portland’s KATU, he was taken off life support on Tuesday. Family and friends said the boy was the target […]