What PFLAG Means To Me

What PFLAG Means To Me

I am not a member of PFLAG, but I have attended meetings on and off for several years. I’ve been impressed with their accomplishments at both providing much needed familial connections for LGBTQ persons and for building relationships in the community. I am very grateful for the work that PFLAG is doing in the outlying […]

I Remember The First Time He Hit Me

I Remember The First Time He Hit Me

When I asked Pam Spaulding to promote today’s cyber vigil, she did so and commented “These stories need to be told …”  I agree. And I am hoping some of the bloggers will share their stories. Because they bind us. The first time he hit me, it was a slap across the face. He was […]

NaBloPoMo: Nothing to Say

NaBloPoMo: Nothing to Say

I really have nothing to say about energy today.  

Never Forget Ka’Sandra Wade

Today we will take a moment of silence and observe a cyber vigil to remember the first fatality victim of domestic violence in 2013 , Ka’Sandra Wade. I don’t know about all of you, but this news is tremendously upsetting to me. I cannot believe that in 2013 women still need to live in fear […]

NaBloPoMo: Where Do I Find The Energy?

NaBloPoMo: Where Do I Find The Energy?

Friday, January 11, 2013 How do you find the energy to write when you’re not in the mood? Well, typically, I don’t. Unless circumstances dictate otherwise – a topic or story that has to be covered. Sometimes, I approach those posts like they are official work assigments and go through the motions. Sometimes, I set […]

Pittsburgh, that far-off forgotten outpost …

I guess maybe it’s a good thing that City of Pittsburgh employees still can’t read this blog, because we were snubbed recently by Human Rights Campaign. (Or maybe Pittsburgh was snubbed because employees can’t look at pghlesbian.com? Hmmm. Ve-r-r-r-y interesting.) I hadn’t heard about this until today, when someone linked to HRC’s first-ever rating system […]

NaBloPoMo: Time

NaBloPoMo: Time

Thursday, January 10, 2013 What blogging task takes up a lot of your energy? 1. Monitoring social media. 2. Resizing images. 3. Yelling at my laptop and/or waiting for it to restart. 4. Editing or being concise. Or not.  

Innocent Bystanders Suffer From Homophobia

This morning, I sent word about the Remember Her Name vigil to members of Pittsburgh City Council. One wrote back and sent me the notice that my site is still blocked by the City web filters, categorized as nudity and pornography. I explained the situation and hope perhaps that person will be of help. When retelling […]

Remember Her Name: Ka’Sandra Wade January 12, 2013

Bloggers, podcasters and social media users around the nation have devoted some portion of their Saturday to remember the name of Ka’Sandra Wade who lost her life at the hands of her ex. This is a list of participating blogs.

Her Name Was Ka’Sandra Wade. A Pittsburgh Cyber Vigil, Saturday January 12 To Remember Her Name.

We – the members of The Pittsburgh Women’s Blogging Socity – are saddened and outraged and fed up that yet another one of our sisters in Pitttsburgh has lost her life to domestic violence. 33 year old Ka’Sandra Wade – mother, employee, daughter, student and so much more – was murdered by her ex who […]