Smack Me …

A week ago, I smacked my head on the headboard and not in a good (or intentional) way … I was struggling to get comfortable b/c of an unrelated back injury (pulled a muscle – stellar week, eh?) and BAM! I didn’t pass out, but I made several mistakes. First, I went to sleep. I […]

This Discrimination is Legal in 70%+ of Pennsylvania

A trolley operator in Annapolis has opted to discontinue his wedding service rather than provide serve to same sex couples. The owner of Discover Annapolis Tours said he decided to walk away from $50,000 in annual revenue instead of compromising his Christian convictions when same-sex marriages become legal in Maryland in less than a week. And […]

My Letter To Santa

Dear Santa, Well, it has been awhile since I wrote a letter to you – 35 years? How is everyone? I have to admit that Rankin and Bass have confused me as to who actually lives at the North Pole (Mrs. Claus changes her hairstyle quite a bit, depending on the holiday special.) I really […]

Put Your Money Where Your Meme Is: Support Dick’s Sporting Goods and Local Youth

Imagine if each person who has posted something about gun control in the past 6 days were to make one purchase – large or small – from Dick’s Sporting Goods? As you may know, Dick’s has suspended the sale of certain semiautomatic weapons in all of its stores and pulled all guns from the store […]

Get a Grip: Week Six – Sigh

I’ve spent the last six weeks using a wrist splint to manage some sort of wrist/tendon issue.  It has been quite an experience. Last week, I had a follow up visit with my PCP who basically countermanded all of the information his own urgent care colleauge had provided me during my initial visit. Sigh. So […]

Podcamp Pittsburgh Panel: Talking About Fairness & Accuracy

This was a highlight of my fall … a 45 minute discussion with Tony Norman (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette), Chris Potter (Pittsburgh City Paper), Aria Charles (Best Buddies) and Chaz Kellem (Pittsburgh Pirates) about fairness & accuracy in social media. And it was an honor that Jon Delano of KDKA attended and made some excellent points.

PA State Rep Metcalfe Promises to Reintroduce “Marriage Protection” Amendment in 2013

Well, that didn’t take long. No sooner than a member of the PA Republican delegation comes out than good ole Daryl Metcalfe sends around a memo stating his intent to “be like Florida” (OMG) and reintroduce the damn amendment. Last month, voters in FOUR STATES embraced marriage equality. OK, Minnesota rejected a marriage amendment which […]

My ambivalence about remembrance

I don’t have a smart phone yet, so when I’m traveling, I’m mostly without email and Internet. Thanksgiving week, I was driving south with my partner to visit her family. We were somewhere in West-by-God-Virginia when Sue emailed, “Are you going to write something about Transgender Day of Remembrance?” Crap, I thought, when I finally […]

General Hospital Adds New Gay Male Character – Felix Dubois

The introductory scenes of General Hospitals second LGBT character seem to have annoyed some of the gays. Hmmm. I’m pretty sure there’s simply no way a character could be introduced that would make everyone happy – OH WAIT – that’s how soap opera characters ALWAYS work when they first come on screen. So Felix Dubois […]

Do You Believe Stonewall Democrats Are Relevant to Political Discourse?

Stonewall Democrats – national – is in dire straights financially. This is deplorable. I don’t agree with their positions on all things, but I agree very much with this particular statement: In far too many places, the Democratic Party structures at the state and local level maintain a less than hospitable attitude toward LGBT equality […]