27 Year Old Black Trans Woman DéVonnie J’Rae Johnson Killed in Los Angeles

DéVonnie J'Rae Johnson trans woman

In a storyline reminiscent of the shooting death of a trans teen in a Walgreens, a 29-year-old Black trans woman who was reportedly homeless was shot to death by a security guard in a Los Angeles grocery store. Black trans woman DéVonnie J’Rae Johnson was shot to death in Los Angeles, CA on Aug. 7, […]

Trans Woman Killed in 2022 While Incarcerated, Family Files Lawsuit

Kylie Monali trans woman

The murder of a 41-year-old Nepali trans woman incarcerated in California in 2022 has come to light after her parents filed a lawsuit against the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department. From HRC, I learned that Kylie Monali was a 41-year-old trans woman who, according to news sources, was killed in prison by her cellmate on September 7, […]

And Then You Came For Me With Help and Support and Love

Sue Kerr crowdfund

Content Note: mental health, childhood abuse, police encounter, 302 or civil commitment, anti-trans actions, support Thank you for showing up for me during a really tough time. How Your Support is Keeping Me Safe With your help, I was able to pay the retainer for a great lawyer who has been helpful, kind, and pragmatic. […]

It Matters

Absolutely horrible … Laura Ann “Lauri” Carleton, 66, died from a gunshot wound Friday evening at her store, Mag.Pi, in Cedar Glen, about 80 miles by car east of Los Angeles, the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office said. The suspected shooter, Travis Ikeguchi, 27, also died following a shootout with deputies after fleeing the first […]

What if your #ProtectTransKids yard sign is stolen or vandalized?

Yard signs belong in yards. Simple … request a replacement at no charge. We’ve been fortunate that not many such incidents have occurred, but we want to put it out there. Also, if your sign stakes snap or break, we have extras. Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch. This is another reason […]

Q&A with Lindsay Powell, Candidate for PA State House District 21

In particular, my sibling identifies as a trans non-binary person. It’s always been the two of us; we’re only sixteen months apart and have always been best friends. Through good times and bad, it’s been us. I’ve seen firsthand how living in their truth as a Black trans non-binary person has been difficult and they […]

Dishonoring the Death of My Sweet Dog

CN: death of pets, animals, grief I’ve had horrible endings for multiple pets – my sweet Jack attacked my face. Ashley fought euthanasia for two hours on my parents living room floor. A dog killed three kittens. Mona fought cancer but it killed her and she pulled away from me in her final days. She […]

Why I Don’t Regret Giving Away My Barbie Dolls

Barbie Dreamhouse

After seeing the most excellent Barbie movie this weekend with my wife, I’ve been thinking about my childhood relationship with the titular character. As people are in a frenzy to buy Barbie everything and debate the ‘vintage’ factor of their own childhood memories, I have one that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world […]

Update from #FortFaulsey Cat Colony on Pittsburgh’s Northside

Fort Faulsey is a community cat colony on Pittsburgh’s Northside. It has two “branches” with feeding stations, shelters, outdoor cat beds, and more. They are about 300 feet apart. I refer to the OG location as Fort Faulsey and to our backyard as the ‘branch campus.’ For decades, these cats and urban wildlife were drawn […]

How I Will Remember Sinéad O’Connor

When I was 21 years old on October 3, 1992, Sinéad O’Connor was the brave hero I needed. I remember being at a retreat for campus ministry that weekend, watching the show stretched across longish sofas with pizza and pop and the righteous purity of our little Catholic college bubble. I remember the shock in […]