Join the Impact – Pittsburgh!

UPDATE:  Photos now included.    Wow.  Pittsburgh turned out a crowd of more than 500 people (independent counts, not the organizers) in the Oakland area of town to protest the passage of California Prop 8 and demand equal rights for LGBTQ families.  What began as a loosely organized effort turned into a large crowd of […]

Protest Pittsburgh: Join a Nationwide Prop 8 Protest this Saturday

Protest Pittsburgh:  Join a Nationwide Prop 8 Protest this Saturday

Here's your chance to be part of the nationwide outrage over the passage of California's Proposition 8 which amends the state constitution to limit marriage between a man and a woman.  11/15/08.  Join your queer brothers and sisters, and our allies, this Saturday, November 15, at the City County Building at 1:30 PM.   From Join the […]

Cards for Queers: Hallmark, the AFA and you

Cards for Queers:  Hallmark, the AFA and you

Well, the LGBTQ community is officially a market sayeth the folks at Hallmark. From the Post-Gazette: The nation's largest greeting card company is rolling out same-sex wedding cards — featuring two tuxedos, overlapping hearts or intertwined flowers, with best wishes inside. “Two hearts. One promise,” one says. Hallmark added the cards after California joined Massachusetts […]

Pride Highlights … Pittsburgh 2008

Pride Highlights … Pittsburgh 2008

Happy PrideWeek.  'Tis a momentous week indeed to celebrate Pride as today at 5:01 PM local time will mark the first legal same sex marriages in California.  Here in Pittsburgh our civil rights successes are more modest, namely beating back an anti-gay marriage amendment and actually having legislation introduced on the state level to expand […]

California – Why We Cannot Rest On Their Laurels

California – Why We Cannot Rest On Their Laurels

What's good news for Californian queers may mean the battle over same-sex marriage heats up again in Pennsylvania as the anti-gay marriage amendment backers put on the pressure to revive that legislation. They argue that predictions of courts overruling state DOMA laws has come true and call the Pennsylvania House to gird their loins for […]

So, Monday is the Big Gay Rally and You Can’t Get to Harrisburg?

So, Monday is the Big Gay Rally and You Can’t Get to Harrisburg?

UPDATE:  I made a call this morning to Fontana's office in Harrisburg.  They are getting a ton of calls, going both directions.  Similar reports from Costa's Harrisburg office.  Keep it up.  Sneak out for a cigarette break, even if you don't smoke, to make the call. I also heard that the rally is noisy.  All good […]

Pittsburgh is a great place to be gay

Pittsburgh is a great place to be gay

In honor of the Primary Pittsburgh Project,  I'd like to take a few inches of this blog to review why I think this is a great place for the LGBTQ/gay/queer community. First, the City of Pittsburgh has codified our civil rights and civil protections.  It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, […]

Saturday Random Stuff

Melissa Etheridge is going to Philly, Reading and Columbus, Ohio, but not Pittsburgh.  I hear she just doesn't sell well here.  Very sad.      Now that Melissa caught your eye, read on please. Equality Advocates PA wants to build on the great turnout of gays and gay allies to the Pittsburgh hearing on SB […]

More on Thursday’s Hearing

More on Thursday’s Hearing

Word trickled out Sunday about the upcoming Pgh hearing on SB 1250 which would amend the constitution of PA to permanently ban gay marriage.  And other stuff, too.  But no one on the right is talking about the negative backlash for their families beyond the voo doo protection from homo marriage. I have had a […]

Prove the AFA of PA right!

Prove the AFA of PA right!

Diane Gramley might be a bit worried about how awesome you guys have been about calling your State Senators to oppose the  so-called protection of marriage amendment.  Here's what she shared with me today: Senator Michael Brubaker is looking for co-sponsors of SB 1250, the Marriage Protection Amendment bill.  Click here for a news release […]