Celebrate Second Parent Adoption in PA! Ten Years!

Overreaction – Western PA Dems and Jim Roddey

Allegheny County GOP Chair and former County Chief Executive Jim Roddey made a horrible decision earlier in the week. He told a joke that mocked people with developmental and intellectual disabilities as part of taking a swipe at Obama supporters. It was offensive, mean-spirited and just plain ugly. It was also out of character for […]

Stuff You Should Read …

A few links for you to check out! The GLCC’s Chair, Lyndsey Sickler, has a great commentary in today’s Post-Gazette about the GLCC and collaboration. Knowing our neighbors and working together towards the common good is how we can create the diversity we need for our communities to flourish. We view collaborations with other organizations […]

A Little Monday Glee – Its All Coming Back To Me Now


The Chick-fil-A Post

Over a two year period, Chick-fil-A donated $5 million to organizations that have clear-cut anti-gay agendas and/or promote and honor individuals who are avowedly anti-gay by honoring them with awards, etc. Let’s be clear. These organizations have anti-gay agendas. They lobby against our rights – they fight hate crimes bills, they fight bullying programs, they […]

God Hates Fracks

Witty sign from a Marcellus Shale protest …      

The Takei Mystique

Gays and Geeks is how some put it. What? Oh, the union of two distinct (sometimes) groups of people in complete excitement because actor and activist George Takei and his husband Brad are in Pittsburgh for the summer. And to make that motif absolutely perfect, they made their surprise debut at the Toonseum’s fundraiser this […]

Chick-Fil-A Didn’t Invent Discrimination

Trans Panel from Netroots Nation 12

I’ve intended to post this for weeks now. I did not attend because of a schedule conflict, but I think this is really worth a watch. I met Joss, Autum and Monica at the event — they are terrific people and very articulate on a variety of issues. I suspect they also get some labeling […]

Don’t Stop Believing!