Letter to the Editor: Show Real LGBT Families in Post-Gazette

You know how I love the LGBTQ-positive letters to the editor. Here’s a great one from the Post-Gazette written by Ellen Garbundy of Butler: I found the photo on page B-2 of Monday’s paper offensive. The caption read: “Anti-gay protesters were on site but largely ignored during Pride Fest after the parade on Sunday.” The […]

Melissa Etheridge “Pittsburgh Pride Showed Me The Money”

Dear God, I’m going to get reamed for focusing on this quote, but seriously … Melissa Etheridge made her Pridefest debut in Pittsburgh this month and it was apparently a terrific show, but my skepticism was confirmed by a  quote she gave to PG music editor Scott Mervis: She repeated that she played this fest, […]

Senator Casey (D- PA) Statement on ENDA Hearing; the Status of Employment Equality in PA

Senator Casey oft considered a very moderate Democrats is co-sponsoring the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)which would prohibit discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation or gender identity. WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today attended a Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee hearing on the bipartisan Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).  Senator […]

Flawed Paper Claims To Overturn 30 Years of Credible Research That Shows Gay And Lesbian Parents Are Good Parents

This is a little complicated to explain because it involves statistical methodology, so I am going to publish a press release jointly issued by leading LGBTQ organizations to explain how and why this “research” should not fool anyone. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | June 11, 2012  Steve Majors | 202-664-0079| smajors@familyequality.org Michael Cole-Schwartz| 202-716-1651?Michael.Cole-Schwartz@hrc.org Angela Dallara |  646-430-3925 | Angela@freedomtomarry.org Aaron McQuade […]

Carrie Underwood States Her Own Faith & Marriage Underpin Her Support for Marriage Equality

This is an interesting development. Carrie Underwood has publicly stated her support for marriage equality. From an interview with a British publication, The Independent. “As a married person myself, I don’t know what it’s like to be told I can’t marry somebody I love, and want to marry,” she said. “I can’t imagine how that […]

Episcopal Diocese of Central PA may soon bless LGBT relationships

It is a step forward. From The Patriot News: Clergy in the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania soon might have the option of blessing same-gender couples, the diocesan bishop said Sunday. The Episcopal Church has decided “to take another step forward toward full inclusion of all its members,” the Right Rev. Nathan D. Baxter, bishop of the diocese, said […]

Pennsylvania Democrats Endorse Marriage Equality With Some Naysayers

The Pennsylvania Progressive has the scoop on this weekend’s events in which the Pennsylvania Democratic Party supported adding marriage equality to the party platform.  I got a tingling sensation all over as Pennsylvania Democrats overwhelmingly approved a resolution endorsing marriage equality today.  In an emotionally charged meeting with impassioned speeches for women’s rights and gay […]

A Little Bit of Pgh Infused Into Netroots Nation

Pittsburgh Mayor Signs “Mayors for Marriage Equality” Pledge of Support

Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl has evolved in his understanding of the LGBT community and has now embraced marriage equality. He affirmed this by signing the Mayors for the Freedom to Marry pledge. Mr. Ravenstahl said he made up his mind after speaking with gay friends and staff, as well as members of his LGBT task […]

Adventures in Swag – Helping Our Neighbors

This week, I’m attending the Netroots Nation conference in Rhode Island. The exhibitors hall opened up today and I spent a few hours staffing the Netroots Connect LGBT table along with Ledcat. I took a quick trip around the exhibits but I’ll go back when things fill up a bit. So far, we’ve received two […]