“Supporting Food Pantries With Pride – an LGBT Food and Tote Bag Drive”

Interested in helping our sisters and brothers and their families access resources with dignity and pride? Hunger in PA is a serious issue: 1 in 7 people are not sure where their next meal is coming from. Working people with homes, families and cars. 1 in 5 children are in the same situation. Consider this […]

Bilerico – Election Results from PA

I took a slightly different angle on my post for Bilerico.  What do the increasingly complicated “choices” in elections mean when contrasted with the “choices” when it comes to legislative priorities … does the election of our first openly gay statewide legislator mean we are ready for marriage equality? No. But what can it mean?

Pennsylvania Elects First Openly Gay State Representative; Other Election News

Congratulations to Brian Sims who won the Democrat primary to run for State House in District 182 (Philly). Brian faces no challenger in November and is on course to be the first openly gay person elected to statewide office in Pennsylvania. From GayPolitics.com. Brian Sims tonight has won a decisive Democratic primary in his Philadelphia […]

I Am An Earth Gay – Happy Earth Day!

Alex Libby from the movie “Bully” – He is Part of the Steeler Nation

  Here’s a little update on Alex’ life since his family participated in Bully.  

Unique Debuts on GLEE

What did you think of Unique’s introduction to the cast of GLEE as part of Vocal Adrenaline? http://youtu.be/dVLYZQWIzWw

Do You Understand What Happened This Week With The Obama Administration and LGBT Equality?

I hope you have been paying attention, but it is tremendously complicated.  From FireDogLake The Obama administration on Wednesday decided not to move forward with an executive order prohibiting workplace discrimination among federal contractors that is a top priority for the LGBT community. “While it is not our usual practice to discuss Executive Orders that […]

Melissa Etheridge Headlines Pittsburgh Pride Activities; Does It Matter That She’s a Bad Wife?

Rumors have been circulating, but today the Pittsburgh Pridefest organizers confirmed that Emmy winner and openly lesbian Melissa Etheridge will be performing at “Pride in the Streets” the Saturday event of Pridefest. I like Melissa’s earlier music and I have a lot of respect for how gracefully she walked through her battle with breast cancer. […]

Pitt Subpoenas Trans Couple in Bomb Threats

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: A transgendered couple from Cambria County with ties to the University of Pittsburgh have been subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury in Pittsburgh that is investigating the rash of bomb threats at Pitt. The couple, Seamus Johnston, 22, and Katherine Anne McCloskey, 56, said FBI agents visited their apartment […]

The Mommy Wars – Stop Ripping Each Other Apart. Listen to The Aunties

The only thing that makes me cringe more than the “mommy wars” is the mudslinging between adults who have children and those who do not. I’ll set that aside for another post. Speaking an an auntie of 2 biological related children, 2 in-law children and multiple “extended” family/friend/kinship children – stop. Just stop. This morning […]