Don’t Forget the Aunties …

Today, good friends of ours sent a “Save the Date” for the baptism of their adopted son, EM. EM is six months old and we first met him when he was only 8 days old! We’ve also been proud to know his older brother, JJ almost since he came home at six months. It is […]

The Candy Man Can? Martin Schmotzer’s Non-Apology

So … the post office got back to me.  More on that later. Martin Michael Schmotzer (M&Ms?) probably got wind of the fact that his opponents are passing this blog post around. By that, I don’t mean the other candidates, but the somewhat rabid people in the South Hills who seem to truly detest M&Ms […]

Martin Schmotzer’s Ongoing Disregard For the Law

Seriously, I cannot believe I have to write about this. I swore I was done with this election because there’s no candidate that resonates with me. Today, Schmotzer came to our house and shoved a door hanger type flyer through the mail slot. I hate this. Local community groups, pizza shops and random business types […]

Trayvon Martin and This Lesbian Perspective

Like you, I was horrified to learn about the death  murder of Trayvon Martin at the hands of a man who was way over the top in his zeal to be a quasi law enforcement officer, a zeal infused with racist attitudes that led to the death of a young man doing nothing wrong. I […]

Pgh to form AIDS Task Force

I was pleased to read that Councilman Corey O’Connor is the driving force behind a Task Force to focus on HIV and AIDS. He’s joined by six local organizations, including Shepherd Wellness Center. Executive Director Scott Peterman had this to say about the committee: “I hate to say it, but I believe that HIV and […]

Saturday Random Cat Stuff …

I found a great post with instructions on how to build your own cat climbing tree. I would love to attempt this because our cats have decimated our little tree. And hampers. And baskets. And a chair … and …   Cats and lesbians are a well-known match. We have several cats. Two came with Ledcat. […]

A Fun “Gay Marriage” Proposal


North Carolina is Winnable – And We Think You Need to Support Them

In case you are not aware, North Carolina residents are set to vote on a constitutional amendment that would define marriage and deny marriage equality. It is called Amendment One. This week, progressive bloggers across the nation are shining attention on this battle and encouraging folks to financially support the cause so we can get […]

GAYla Weekend at Pittsburgh Public Market

Pittsburgh Public Market presents “GAYla Weekend” Fri March 30th through Sun April 1st.   Friday 10 – 4, Saturday 9 – 5, and Sunday 10 – 4  Strip District on Smallman Street, between 16th & 17th.   The goal of GAYla Weekend is simply to bring awareness to the LGBTQ community in Pittsburgh, and to make sure that […]

Chick-Fil-A Spoof

This is hysterical … pretty much offends everyone. “Someday someone’s gonna make you wanna gobble up a  waffle fry but Chick-Fil-A say you make the Baby Jesus cry”