On Bilerico – Customer Service Snafu or Homophobic Clash

My latest contribution to Bilerico. Me and Dell are about to part ways.

Why I Think the LGBT Storylines on GLEE Are Important

As with any television show, people tend to love or hate it in a general sense and then in a meta sense when they delve in subtle plot points. This is particularly true when a show “delves” into issues that are typically stereotyped, downplayed or even dropped – storylines about LGBT characters, but its true […]

Vote on PA “Marriage Amendment” Delayed

Tuesday AM. The Pennsylvania House Committtee on State Government was scheduled to vote on HB 1434 which started the ball rolling on a proposed constitutional amendment to define marriage. etc etc etc. Today, that ball didn’t go anywhere. Again. Debate on the proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex unions was put off until a dateTBD. The […]

These are the people who DO contact their elected officials. You should really be afraid.

When I was poking around the Facebook pages of a few elected officials, I found this on the page of PA State Rep Mark Mustio     She didn’t read the link. The very first paragraph makes it very clear it is not about Pennsylvania. Then there’s the mind-blowing aspect of how someone could take […]

So Called “Marriage Protection” Amendment Rears Its Ugly Head In State Committee – Fight Back With Twitter!

It is March. That’s usually when Darryl Metcalfe rears his ugly head and voila! Yes, Representative Metcalfe as head of the State Government Committee has introduced another version of an amendment that “protects” marriage from … marriage?  And this time, he’s taking civil unions and domestic partnerships with him. From Equality PA A vote on […]

Why Hunger and Poverty Are LGBT Issues

From the Center for American Progress Economic insecurity 20 percent: The amount of female same-sex couples who are raising children and living in poverty, compared to 9 percent of married heterosexual couples who are raising children and living in poverty $41,000: The average income of Hispanic lesbian couples—the average household income of a Hispanic heterosexual […]

Calling All Bloggers – Women & Girls in Pittsburgh Need You

Do you realize that many women in our community do not have the resources to purchase tampons or pads? Either for themselves or their daughters? Read more here.   Have you ever been that poor? Its not a joke. It was a wake up call for me when I first learned about it in 1995. […]

On 22nd Thought

The keyword searches leading people to this whole 22nd House District story are repulsive. Trying to get information from any source has been near impossible. I’m done with the coverage. I’m hoping Manchester is eventually absorbed into the Ravenstahl district and that’s my final word. Except for this – every so called “progressive” should choke […]

Allegheny County LGBT Employees Will Qualify for Domestic Partner Benefits in April

what a great idea!   http://www.postgazette.com/pg/12063/1214223-455.stm

Pgh Media Coverage on LGBT Issues – Words Matter

What’s your overall impression of the effectiveness of Pittsburgh’s media outlets in covering LGBT issues? Overall, I would say B-. In terms of the number of stories they cover, the depth of the stories and the attention to national issues, I would say B. The difference is the inconsistency in how they cover these stories. […]