The Civil Discourse of (Alleged) Religious Persecution

I had somewhat modest hopes when I read the headline to Ruth Ann Dailey’s most recent column “A civil solution to same-sex marriage angst” Same sex marriage? Wow, that’s a big step forward from “gay marriage” and slightly more accurate if not as preferable as “marriage equality.” Ruth Ann, though, ensnared me in the quite […]

Sue on Bilerico – Infusing LGBT into BlogLocal

Pittsburgh is where it all began. I <3 Pittsburgh gave birth to the idea that a compilation of blogs could give someone a feel for the vibe, the pulse of a region. Hence, BlogLocal.  You’ll note that there are a lot of blogs from Pittsburgh, but many still to be entered. Such is the hazard […]

Reparative Therapy

Please read this powerful and heartwrenching Part I in a series about reparative therapy. Truth Wins Out This is something I have never thought about. One of the saddest parts of reparative therapy is the way it destroys relationships, because clients are falsely led to believe their parents caused their homosexuality. This unscientific and unfounded […]

Pennsylvania’s 22nd House District Endorsement – WTF?

This past Sunday, the Allegheny County Democratic Committee endorsed people.  Yes, they picked Altmire over Critz which we will visit in another post. But I’m concerned about my district, the 22nd district in the House of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, formerly occupied by Chelsa Wagner. Up until Sunday, I could not get a whiff of […]

Winston + Elmo = Love


Are You Paying Attention?

Washington Equalizes Marriage

Congratulations to our sisters and brothers in Washington State and across the land who have worked to achieve this victory. A move is already underway to put this on the ballot. I strongly urge you to watch this video of Governor Gregoire’s comments, among others. The Governor’s Comments – Good morning. Welcome! Thank you, Ed […]

NYU Freshman Takes on Chick-Fil-A

This young woman takes NYU to task for hosting an openly anti-gay corporation (Chick-Fil-A) on their campus while purporting to be pro-diversity. Can’t have it both ways. But my FAVORITE thing is this excerpt from the press release: Within a few days of launching her campaign, Dworkoski had recruited hundreds of supporters on, the world’s fastest growing […]

Gay & Lesbian Community Ctr of Pgh Book Sale to Benefit Tote Bag Project

Did you know that the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh has an online bookstore? The bookstore sells duplicate copies of books housed in the Jim Fischerkeller Library located in the Center downtown on Grant Street. What a great way to find those iconic LGBT books you’ve always wanted to read AND support the […]

Santorum Heads to Washington State – Oh God

The Washington primary is set for March 3, 2012. Maine, Arizona and Michigan could knock Santorum out, but Washington is fertile ground for his particular brand of vile. Washington is poised to legalize marriage equality with the bill waiting for the Governor’s signature. Can you see the collision and hate rhetoric coming? Do you think […]