Support Transgender Children; Buy Extra Girl Scout Cookies

Found this today on Facebook … A 14-year-old Girl Scout named Taylor is calling for a boycott of Girl Scout Cookies because the organization welcomes transgender children, World Net Daily reports. This became “an issue” after the Girl Scouts denied membership to a young transgender child and then reversed itself. I think you should buy TWICE […]

Rick Santorum’s Desperate Need for His Gay Communications Director …

When I saw that Rick Santorum’s team has come up with a sweater vest fundraiser to raise a million dollars, I rolled my eyes. I’m not anti-sweater vest, but it is a little … dull? Then I saw the two mottos of the project “Don’t let sleeves slow you down.” “Second Amendment vest: the right […]

NJ Marriage Equality

This is pretty cool. Congress of the United States Washignton, DC 20510 January 6, 2012 Dear Democratic Colleagues in the New Jersey Senate and Assembly: We, the entire Democratic membership of the New Jersey Congressional delegation, urge you to support the marriage equality bill being introduced by the Democratic leadership in the state Senate and […]

Rick Santorum’s Anti-Straight Agenda – Savage on Keith Olbermann

Found this through the Post-Gazette’s Cutting Edge:   From Alternet … On last night’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Dan Savage (of Santorum Google bomb fame) discussed how the candidate’s problematic views extend beyond homophobia. “One of the things I’m constantly reminding people about Rick Santorum is that he doesn’t have merely an anti-gay agenda — he […]

Sue Kerr: “Rick Santorum Never Discussed Gay Sex With Me”

Well, I’m a google search today, thanks to Mr. Santorum. Woo hoo! Michaelangelo Signorile included this blog in a recent column about Santorum’s hypocrisy on LGBT equality, including a ridiculous defense by former Communication Director Robert Traynham an openly gay man. Apparently, Traynham is fine with Rick’s stance on equality because Rick never criticized ‘gay […]

Pgh Business Rankings on HRC Corporate Index

The Post-Gazette picked up the rankings of local companies on the HRC Corporate Index for 2012. HRC lauds K&L Gates as a best LGBT workplace Downtown-based K&L Gates law firm got top marks as a best workplace for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees, according to a survey by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation in […]

Dan Savage, The Slog Raise Nearly $30,000 for Food Pantry – Make Sure People KNOW LGBTQ Folks Welcome at Pgh Pantries

I was poking around tonight and found this series of posts on The Slog website. I love that people can win dinner with Dan Savage for donating to a hunger relief organization. I would donate and I work for a hunger relief organization. I love that they picked up on the article in Slate about […]

I Hereby Resolve … Well, I’m Gonna Give It a Shot

Remember when I lost 50 lbs in 2010? Yeah, that was great. Well, it was sort of great because it turns out I lost some of that weight due to an underlying medical condition. Not so great. So 2011, I spent healing. I’m much better. But I’ve gained a little less than 20 lbs back. […]

Whatever Happened to the Gay Guy Who Worked for Santorum?

Robert Traynham. He was Santorum’s PR Director/Communications Director while Santorum was in the Senate. He was an openly gay, African-American man who worked for Rick Santorum. Then he got a fancy job in the D.C. (imagine) and is now teaching at George Mason, hosting a political talk show, making appearances on NPR and other swell […]

Who is the Jagoff? Jumping to Conclusions about Disability Parking

Major fail on the part of the website Ya Jaoff! with regard to stereotyping people with disabilities, especially those that are considered “hidden” or “invisible.” We first met the “YaJagoff” team via Twitter. The site is a series of submissions by Pittsburgh folks who encounter quintessential examples of “jagoff” behavior. I should acknowledge that I […]