Anti-Discrimination Protections in Whitemarsh Township

Congratulations to the residents, elected officials and advocates in Montgomery County’s Whitemarsh Township for establishing discrimination protections for their residents.  Springfield and Lower Merion also recently enacted such ordinances for the protections of their residents’ rights to housing, employment and public accomodation. I believe that brings the statewide total up to 18 municipalities?  Here’s a […]

Holiday Project? How About a Grab Bag to Benefit Your Neighbors …

Just a lil reminder that there is still plenty of time to set up a holiday tote bag drive to help our hungry neighbors during the holidays.  Courtesy of The Pittsburgh Tote Bag Project. So far several folks have stepped forward to pitch in Cassandra’s Floral Animal Nature Concepts Management Group (Forest Hills) Pittsburgh Public […]

What Does the Sexual Assault at Penn State Mean For Me?

Like you, I was and continue to be horrified by the revelations of the sexual abuse of minor boys and the apparent cover-up (or fail to act?) on the part of pretty much anyone with power and authority at Penn State. It has been all over the media, as you know. It is inescapable and […]

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Today persons across the nation stop to remember the lives of transmen and transwomen cut short because of violence, ignorance and hatred. In some communities, there is also a Transgender Day of Celebration to acknowledge the progress and successes toward equality. A few links of interest … A statement by Department of Labor Secretary Hilda […]

New Directions – Closing Chapter of

You may have noticed that I haven’t blogged very often in 2011. Other issues, other projects and … a waning interest. I didn’t vote in November. I am starting to question some of my core beliefs and where I fit in the political continuum. I suspect slighty left and down if it is a three […]

Love this …

Washington County Teen Receives National Recognition for Advocacy

Congratulations to Emmett Patterson, a 17 year old transman for receiving national recognition from GLSEN for his advocacy work in Washington County.  Emmett founded Washington County’s first Gay Straight Alliance.  Kudos to him and we hope he enjoys spending time with Chaz Bono, whom he identifies as a hero and source of solace while struggling […]

Holiday Projects You Can Support

It is really early, but The Pittsburgh Tote Bag Project is working with local supporters to support the more than 120,000 people relying on Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank to reduce their hunger.  You can help by organizing a special “holiday”  project around hunger and recycling to help kids, adults and seniors throughout the region. […]

Occupy Pittsburgh #occupypgh

So today I went downtown to catch up with OccupyPgh at Market Square. I had originally hoped to walk over and catch up with the march, but that didn’t work out. I’ll load my photos and tweets tomorrow. Random observations Crowd estimated by City police to be 1500 to 2000. Other assessments from 400 to […]

we’ll be back …