Facebook and the word “Lesbian”

OK, so this is just annoying.  Facebook added two categories to “relationship status”  – civil unions and domestic partnerships.  Woo hoo.  A nice win and accurate, too. So fast forward many months to this past weekend.  I realized I had claimed a name for my blog’s “fan” page (claiming makes it easier to direct people). […]

Big News About #BlogMob At Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

But I can’t tell you yet!  Just Save the Date for Thurs Sept 8 from 6-7:30 PM at the Food Bank in Duquesne. It promises to be eye-opening, humbling and educational as well as fun, bonding and with great food.  Policy, hunger, nutrition, and related topics.  September is Hunger Activist Month. This is your chance […]

Podcamp Pittsburgh is Around the Corner

Very excited to once again be an individual sponsor of this year’s Podcamp Pittsburgh, verion 6.0. In the guide of the Pittsburgh Tote Bag Project, we’ll be part of a panel with The Pittsburgh Foundation’s newest social media initiative.  To find out what it is, you’ll have to attend or read oneline later.  We are […]

Welcome to the new WordPress edition of Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents

We’ll we’ve made the leap from Blogware to WordPress and it seems we landed on our feet.    You’ll notice a very sleek look.  As I learn my way around the software, I’ll bring back the blogrolls and fancy features.  The most important thing is to note that Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents v1.0 is safely archived. […]

Ron Cook Has It Wrong: Harrison Did Not Apologize

James Harrison did not apologize for using a gay slur. He didn’t man up and say “It is a hurtful word and I shouldn’t have used it” Instead he blamed it on slang. “I also need to make clear that the comment about Roger Goodell was not intended to be derogatory against gay people in […]

Certification of Don’t Ask, Do’t Tell Repeal

I am not sure I’ll be able to update this afternoon but pay attention to the gay media folks today … it is a big one. Metro Weekly, Wall Street Journal and other news outlets are reporting that the Pentagon is going to certify the plan to repeal DADT TODAY. If the Pentagon certifies the […]

Latest Letters to The Editor in the Post-Gazette

Just so you see a slice of public sentiment … James Bruno of McCandless stirred the pot by pulling back the curtain on the gay agenda to destroy the Catholic Church, force everyone in the nation to approve of anal sex and good taste in furnishings AND kill the fetus.  OMG, he’s on to us […]

Gil Remley to Sue Kerr – Sports Commentary in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette

I hope my paternal great-grandfather, Gil Remley, would be proud that Ledcat and I have an op/ed published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.  Our topic?  Homophobia in Professional Sports and the Need for Teams like the Pirates to send a different message.  (The editor made it sound more lofty). Gil Remley ended his career in journalism […]

James Harrison’s non-apology for “gay slur”

I read this late last night and choked on whatever was in my glass.  This man has zero understanding of LGBT issues.  Zero. He needs to be educated and I hope his management team recognizes that he is saying … well, first read his comments. (Full statement here.) I also need to make clear that the […]