The lesbians do some mingling/volunteering to support Bruce Kraus

Wednesday evening we had an unexpectedly amusing stint as the official coat check girls women at a fundraiser for Bruce Kraus' bid for a second term as City Councilor.  To be honest, the whole coat check thing scares me. I prefer to keep my coat close at hand in case a speedy retreat is in order. I […]

Thank you GLEE for getting it sooo right

On last night episode of GLEE, two oustanding storylines made me want to cry and cheer at the same time. First, the always stellar pairing of Kurt and his Dad, a man's man who is the most amazingly sensitive parent to his openly gay son.  In this episode, Dad is prodded to have “the” sex […]

Local woman pursues International Ms. Leather title

I usually learn a few interesting things when I chat with folks about this blog, but I have to admit to learning a *whole* lot during my recent conversation with Ms. Pittsburgh Leather Fetish 2011, Jessi Seams. The first ever Ms. Pittsburgh Leather Fetish, Jessi is among a handful of transwomen across the country to […]

New Voices Pittsburgh to celebrate 7 years with gala event

New Voices Pittsburgh: Women of Color for Reproductive Justice honors 7 years of good work in Pittsburgh with a celebration event on Saturday, March 12, 20011. New Voices Pittsburgh is a groundbreaking organization, using a Reproductive Justice framework to organize and build a local movement with young women of color and allies in the Greater Pittsburgh […]

Why Domestic Partner Benefits for Allegheny County employees matter to all of us (redux)

A bit in the Tribune Review caught my eye last week.  Councilman Bill Peduto said he is prepared to move forward next week with legislation that would merge the city and county's financial systems. He said the city “would find the money” if state money would not come through. Identical legislation is awaiting a vote from County […]

Westboro Supreme Court Decision

Picketing funerals is abhorrent, but I must admit that it irks me a bit when people overlook the fact that this hate group has been picketing the funerals of LGBTQ persons for years — they even picketed Mr. Rogers memorial service (I was there).  Any parent, spouse, or partner having to bury their loved one […]

Update on pro-equality legislation in Pennsylvania

State Representive Cohen has introduced a measure that would expand existing law to recognize civil unions.   HB708 has several familiar cosponsors, including Dan Frankel, Jake Wheatley, Chelsa Wagner, Dom Costa, Paul Costa, Mark Gergely.  41 sponsors in total. This legislation has been referred to the Judiciary Committee as of February 12, 2011. Several cosponsors sit in […]

WPTS launches “Gay Agenda” radio program

From Thursday's Post-Gazette comes word of a new LGBTQ radio program called “The Gay Agenda” The idea behind “The Gay Agenda,” which airs on FM 92.1 from 4:30 to 5 p.m. Thursdays, is to discuss issues of concern to people in the gay community of greater Pittsburgh. The show began in January, and has included […]

The PG’s Reg Henry weighs in on DOMA

The Defense of Marriage Act took another blow this when the Department of Justice (part of the Executive Branch) anounced it will no longer defend DOMA in court.  Pittsburgh's own Reg Henry weighs in with a very pragmatic priece. DOMA, on the other hand, is increasingly uncool, being social and religious prejudice written into law. […]

Marriage Equality Update

Good news from Maryland.   The fight for marriage equality in Maryland took a giant step forward tonight as the State Senate voted to approve a bill that extends legal marriage to same-sex couples.  The  legislation now heads to the House of Delegates for debate.  If it wins approval in the lower chamber, Maryland Gov. Martin […]