Lesbian Correspondents Receive Nomination for Lesbian of the Year

I am honored to be nominated for the second year running for “Lesbian of the Year” award by the Keystone Alliance/Gaylife Newsletter readers. I count myself fortunate to be among esteemed company. 6. Lesbian of the Year 2011 Crystal/Harry Feltersnatch:                C.J aka Blu:          Kimmi Rech:               Shannon Matty:                    Duckie:                          Susan Levine:                Elena Deluca:        Lyndsey Sickler :          Weezie of Weezie's Pub & Club: […]

Trib Letter to the Editor Prognosticates Intro of Pro-Gay PA Legislation

John DeBartola from the Keystone Alliance/Gaylife Newsletter wrote to the Trib earlier this month.  He forecasts introduction of 4 pieces of pro-LGBTQ legislation:  marriage, civil unions, hate crimed and non-discrimination legislation. Both [Senator] Leach and [Rep.] Cohen have agreed to submit their respective bills for marriage equality and civil unions on Feb 7. Rep. Dan […]

Things I liked about church today

Today, Ledcat and I went to our second ever service at the Allegheny Unitarian-Universalist Church on the Northside. We've been pondering it for over a year.  Recent stuff going on pushed me to finally sit down and chat with Reverend Dave about things. So this morning we bundled up and drove down to the Church.  It […]

A note on trans protections (not) in Ohio

From Autumn Sandeen at Pam's House Blend comes discouraging news about transwomen and transwomen employed by the State losing employment protections under a new executive order which DOES extend protection based on sexual orientation. Another stark reminder of why we need to keep our queer umbrella over everyone and not succumb to the temptation to toss […]

Bruce Kraus: why the reelection of a gay City Councilman is good for all of us

A few days ago, someone posted a comment in another post questioning my claim that Bruce Kraus, City Councilman for District 3, is a “champion” for the LGBTQ community, simply asking “What has he done for us?” Rather than respond in a buried comment, I thought this question was worth an entire post. With regard […]

My new friend JuJuBi

This is my new friend, JuJuBi.  A blog post about our afternoon together to follow. JuJuBi needs a single dog home.

Random Tuesday Stuff

This came through a LinkedIn connection. Four out of five Internet users participate in some kind of group in the “real” world, compared with just 56 percent of those who don’t use the Internet regularly, according to a new study from the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project. Those figures rise to 82 […]

Ledcat is blogging!

Check her out at Six Kitties  She blends her love for music with insightful political and cultural commentary.  And details about our kitties.   

Golden Globes

Chris Colfer won for Best Supporting Actor in a TV or whatever the category is.  He also denounced bullying in his speech. During his tender acceptance speech, Colfer gave thanks to 'the kids that our show celebrates that are constantly told no by bullies in their school and they can't be who they are…Well, screw that, […]

New Hospital Visitation Regs Finalized

I was chatting today with another blogger (yes, over coffee) about the circumstances under which LGBTQ families are kept apart in hospitals. I mentioned the new federal regulations and realized I had failed to blog about them. From the Human Rights Campaign website … On Tuesday, federal regulations regarding patients’ hospital visitation rights will go into effect.  […]