Spirit Day 10-20-2010

It does get better. You approach your 40th birthday and embrace the gifts of maturity.  My partner and I are living the life, so to speak.  We have good jobs where we can be ourselves for the most part.  We have built a home together filled with a lot of real moments, including moments that have […]

PA Senate Race – a dead heat?

Step back, naysayers.  It appears we have a race.  According to poll data released today, Sestak LEADS the race, 46-45.  You can put Pennsylvania Senate back in the toss up category. Joe Sestak leads Pat Toomey 46-45 in our newest poll of the race, erasing the 9 point deficit he had in an August PPP […]


Received this via email tonight … If you are Christian and have struggled with friends, family, or religious enthusiasts that quote scripture to disprove or reject your sexuality,  you are invited to participate in this enlightening 8 week course at First United Methodist Church. We have been adamantly open to the gay community for decades. You are […]

National Coming Out Day

It is October 11, 2010. How are you acknowledging or honoring this event? I'm going to come out to someone.  Not sure whom that will be.  Social media won't count. Stay tuned …

LGBT Sestak Rally

 Joe Sestak needs every one of his LGBT allies to stand with the campaign next Friday, October 8, to show the public what is really at stake.  We will be gathering at 11am in the courtyard of the County Courthouse, 414 Grant St., to deliver a press statement on behalf of the Congressman.  Representative Dan […]

Trib Letter to the Editor

It has been awhile.  Thankfully, Kris Saunders of Squirrel Hill has brought back the homobigot rant to the editorial page of the Tribune Review.  Kris is of the mindset that the pedophilia scandal in the Catholic Church is a result of rampant tolerance of homosexuality. But it is odd that the Trib, which has called […]

Star Struck?

This morning, Ledcat and I toddled down to Millvale to try out their incarnation of Pamela's Diner.  I expected to be thrilled and amazed by yummy strawberry pancakes, but turns out it took a chair to slay me. Michelle Obama's chair. Well, she doesn't *own* the chair.  She sat in it. When she stopped by […]

I find myself longing for Guy Costa …

As reported in today's Rich Lord article, the attitude of Public Works Director Robert Kaczorowski pretty much exemplifies the worst type of entitlement so many public <ahem> servants exhibit. The piece is on the official report on how to make things better if we have another snowmageddon.  Mr. Kaczorowski didn't even read it, but is quick […]

Women and Girls’ Foundation lauds Pgh Women in Media

Congratulations to the honorees in the upcoming “Women in Media” celebration sponsored by the Women and Girls' Foundation of Southwestern Pennsylvania.  The celebration is set for Saturday, November 6 at the August Wilson Center and promises to have some social media twists, including lots of live tweeting (!) and a slideshow of local women's blogging […]

PA Rep Tim Solobay – defends himself from Harrisburg “trash”

I was pleased that Representative Tim Solobay used quick thinking to defend himself in an attempted mugging in Harrisburg.  I'm glad some of the suspects are in custody and no one was injured.  It is a good story of an individual using the resources at hand to get help.  Being a former athlete didn't hurt. […]