Corbett facts wrong. Shocking!

Capitol Ideas debunks Corbett's ridiculous mocking of his working class citizens …. Kevin Silva, a senior vice president with the Warrell Corporation of Camp Hill, Cumberland County, said the company had been told by one applicant for a machine operator's position that, after factoring in travel costs, that he could make more money while receiving […]

Oh, those witty tea partiers …

From Infinonymous ….   Infinon reports it was papered over the next day. sdf

Argentina first Latin American nation to approve marriage equality

Hurrah for Argentina. BUENOS AIRES — Argentina's Senate narrowly approved a law early on Thursday authorizing same-sex marriages, making Argentina the first country in Latin America to allow gay couples to wed.   <snip>   But in a region where the separation of church and state is not always so clear, the law demonstrated a […]

Smart Men are Sexy

Just read Slag Heap every day.  Not only does it make me nostalgic for the slap heap upon which I played as a child (now known as Century Square in West Mifflin), but it is probably the smartest blog in the region.  Well, Chris Briem is pretty damn close but I have to admit he intimidates […]

Township in Montgomery County begins equality process

Always good news to see grassroots efforts to push for equality.  Lower Merion Township in Montgomery County is on the path toward establishing protected class status for the LGBT community.  You can find out more about this effort through their Facebook Page. It really is hand to hand combat to win over the hearts and […]

Pam asks if the DNC will consider LGBT friendliness for convention?   Should this be a factor? What about in Pennsylvania?  Should we ask Jim Burn to take these factors in account?

Vacation, all I ever needed

I haven't had a proper vacation since 2002.  We've had a few weekend trips, but not a real getaway with sand and sea gulls and she crab bisque.  You know, the beach. Today, three things fell into place and we went for a plan that had been roiling around in our minds for a few […]

Outing a Transgender “Dater” Major Misfire by the New York Times

Keeping with my theme of today's idiots, I must nominate Randy Cohen – “The Ethicist” for the New York Times, a feature I usually like. Today, he tackles WHEN to out a transgender date.  Not when that person should disclose, but what a shocked date must do in response to learning this information.  No handbills, […]

Pentagon Response to DADT “survey” has something up on the Pentagon pushing back on the LGBT community's outcry over the ridiculous survey the Pentagon has mailed to 400,000 members of the military.  Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said about the stories that have resulted from the leak of the 103-question survey that many “have been inflammatory in the worst […]

Blame the “entitlement”

Tom Corbett is a major ass.  If this is his view of Pennsylvania's labor force (the “working man”), just IMAGINE what he thinks about people relying on the safety net for survival.  From Capitol Ideas: According to our podcasting pal, Scott Detrow, of Pennsylvania Public Radio,the two-term attorney general told reporters that “the jobs are […]