What would you sacrifice for your LGBT community?



My brain is really tired so I'm giving this my best shot. First, the follow up from the White House DADT protest yesterday.  The protestors have been released and preliminary reports on how the transwomen and transmen were treated in the jail system are additional sadness related to this entire issue.  Additional reasons for outrage.  […]

They may be a necessary evil …

They may be a necessary evil …

I don't like political surrogates. This came up at the Steel City Stonewall Democrats meeting tonight with regard to PrideFest.  I suggested allowing only elected officials to speak which didn't go over very well.  However, I can tell you from last year, the decision to allow people with no name recognition to speak on behalf […]

Some folks went to DC and reminded us how to spell Pride.

Some folks went to DC and reminded us how to spell Pride.

Did you hear about the protest in DC where six members of our Armed Forces chained themselves to the White House gates to protest Don't Ask, Don't Tell?  http://gay.americablog.com/2010/04/6-military-vets-handcuff-selves-to.html http://www.pamshouseblend.com/diary/15889/breaking-getequal-military-veterans-including-autumn-sandeen-chain-themselves-to-wh-fence Some disagree with these tactics, but I suspect that we will continue to hear more from these folks … AMEN!

State Rep Dan Frankel commends Obama on hospital visitation

State Rep Dan Frankel commends Obama on hospital visitation

State Rep. Dan FrankelD-Allegheny      www.pahouse.com/Frankel     Frankel applauds Obama's directive for equal hospital access for same-sex partners, commends Pa. sponsors of non-discrimination bill   HARRISBURG, April 19 – State Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, applauded President Obama's recent directive to provide same-sex partners access to their loved ones in nearly all U.S. hospitals.   At […]

Because Rape is Funny if its GAY …

Because Rape is Funny if its GAY …

I saw this last week, but it is all over the place now and just thoroughly vulgar and disgusting.  The reputation of the Pittsburgh Steelers likely took another hit today with the news that Steely McBeam, the team's official mascot, has been accused of sexual assault in an incident late last night at a downtown […]

Gay- Friendly College Fair

Gay- Friendly College Fair

The Post-Gazette reprinted a piece from the New York Times on what amounts to a gay college fair in Greenwich Village. All this is good news for the young gay applicant. Of course, being gay does not lend an advantage, and the embrace is not universal inside admissions offices, and out. While much of the […]

Wee update on ENDA

Wee update on ENDA

The unofficial whip count is in my left column (you can click the buttons to see the House and Senate). Have you identified one person to contact House Reps Jason Altmire or Kathy Dahlkemper yet?  Those are the PA folks we need to fuss about.  Alternatively, have you called you WV friends and asked them […]

Possible movement to protect LGBT kids in the Pennsylvania foster care system?

Possible movement to protect LGBT kids in the Pennsylvania foster care system?

We've reported before on legislation introduced by State Representative Phyllis Mundy to create a “Children in Foster Care Act” to identify and protect rights of our most vulnerable children.  The significant problem with this legislation is the need to strip protections for LGBT children out to ensure passage. Representative Phyllis Mundy of Luzerne County says […]

Welcome to the newest Correspondent, Sarah!

Welcome to the newest Correspondent, Sarah!

Just wrapping up Pgh Lesbian Correspondent boot camp for our newest Correspondent, Sarah.  Woo hoo!  Ledcat and I are very excited about adding a new perspective to our little experiment in blogging.  Be sure to give her a shout out when she posts in the next few days.