Philly Inquirer Op/Ed on Boy Scouts

Philly Inquirer Op/Ed on Boy Scouts

This is a refreshing take on why the Boy Scouts discrimination against gay scouts and scout leaders and gay people is problematic for all young men. The Boy Scouts' policy is contributing to the problem of prejudice against gays. Although the organization officially denies making efforts to discover anyone's sexual orientation – much as the […]

Federal Lawmakers Ratings

Good resource. The Hill has tabulated scores that Washington advocacy organizations give members of Congress, so you can check them at rather than roaming the Internet from site to site. We cite 31 organizations, which is a fair cross section rather than a comprehensive list. Click on a lawmaker's name to see his or […]

AFA of PA continues to target LGBT children

AFA of PA continues to target LGBT children

You've undoubtedly heard about Fulton, Mississippi — Meanest Town in America — which treated a lesbian student pretty poorly. Never doubt that Pennsylvania can sink to those depths courtesy of our homegrown hatefest, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania.  These are the folks who never miss an opportunity to write a letter to the editor […]

Oh, City Paper, why do you ignore us so ….

Oh, City Paper, why do you ignore us so ….

Tonight, I made someone's heart leap a little when I clicked an ad on the Slag Heap blog page.  I wanted to check out the “Pgh Grassroots” website so I could be in on the latest events and happenings.  A little ad-click revenue for the City Paper.  Eh. Then I had to register which is […]

Liberty City Democrats Official Statement of LGBT Endorsement for Joe Hoeffel

Liberty City Democrats Official Statement of LGBT Endorsement for Joe Hoeffel

Here's the official statement on the gay or LGBT endorsement for Joe Hoeffel from Philadelphia: Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club EndorsesArlen Specter for U.S. Senate and Joe Hoeffel for Governor   Philadelphia, PA –Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club, the premiere Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender political organization in Pennsylvania, overwhelmingly endorsed Arlen Specter for U.S. […]

Planned Parenthood PAC endorses Joe Hoeffel for PA Governor

Planned Parenthood PAC endorses Joe Hoeffel for PA Governor

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   PLANNED PARENTHOOD PENNSYLVANIA PAC ENDORSES JOE HOEFFEL FOR GOVERNOR Harrisburg, PA – The Board of the Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania PAC announced today that it is unanimously endorsing Democratic nominee Joe Hoeffel in the upcoming gubernatorial election.   The organization says Hoeffel has been a long-time supporter of reproductive rights and Planned Parenthood […]

Ladies Unite! We need women to run for Jane Orie's seat

Ladies Unite! We need women to run for Jane Orie's seat

This interesting little tidbit came through my inbox today … There is no candidate in the Dem Primary against Jane Orie (40th Senatorial District). Now that she's been indicted, the ACDC is looking for a candidate, and rumor has it that all the people they are talking to are men.  PLEASE HELP FIND A WOMAN […]

HRC Corporate Equality Index

HRC Corporate Equality Index

Just a small post. Did you know you can look up business and corporations to see their ranking on LGBT policies and issues?  Such as whether they offer domestic partner benefits or include transpositive issues in the workplace.  You can even see which companies don't make the list. Great way to see if your money […]

ENDA – Stop and think, you know this one

ENDA – Stop and think, you know this one

If you use the Google blog search on the federal legislation known as ENDA (Employment Non Discrimination Act), you'll see a fair amount of information, outrage and distortion of facts on all sides of the debate.  The truth is that there is a very real opportunity to pass federal legislation that would protect gay Americans […]

Joe Hoeffel endorsed by Philadelphia LGBT Stonewall chapter

Joe Hoeffel endorsed by Philadelphia LGBT Stonewall chapter

Congratulations to Joe Hoeffel for receiving the endorsement of the Liberty City Democrats, the Philadelphia LGBT Stonewall chapter to be the next Governor of Pennsylvania.  According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the whole damn race is up in the air. Nearly half of Democratic Pennsylvania is undecided.  Forty-seven percent of the Democratic respondents said they remained […]