Be part of the solution

I read about this on Facebook … Want to pitch in and do your part to clean up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill? Get a haircut – and then donate your locks to Matter of Trust, a nonprofit group that uses hair to make mats and booms that can combat oil spills. The mats […]

Show us some Guv Luv

Speaking of Potter (he is always on my mind) … here's a great breakdown of the gubernatorial race.  Note that this is a pithy snapshot on issues, not a comprehensive GOTV document.    Speaking from the lesbian perspective, I think Joe Hoeffel has the most attractive disembodied head of the four. 

PG Shout out to LGBTQ runners

The PG ran a nice little article about local running groups. Among those listed: Pittsburgh Frontrunners is a running club for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. It usually has three weekly runs, with participants meeting at the Columbus statue next to Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. It is good to see an article […]

Capital Region Stonewall Democrats endorse Hoeffel, Sestak

  2010 Candidate Questionnaires and CRSD Endorsements   On Wednesday, April 28th, we held our annual Meet the Candidates Night at the Harrisburg Midtown Arts Center.   I hope you were able to attend; we had a full house with 23 candidates or their representatives speaking.    Following the evening, the full CRSD Board met to […]

Fayette County prison guard gender stereotyping suit settled

We first discussed this back in December 2009 when the Tribune Review reported on a federal lawsuit filed by a state prison guard in Fayette County.  He claimed he was being harassed because he did not conform to gender expectations, including being too effeminate on the radio.  (What does that even mean, asks the female […]

Could Allegheny County see movement on Domestic Partner benefits soon?

Word on the street is that this week's meeting of the Allegheny County Human Relations Commission should include a report from the County Personnel Department on health insurance options from the County's vendor.  That should be a positive step forward.  At the very least, Chief Executive Dan Onorato will have a clear plan on how […]

Wingnut Donutter pulls one over on LGBTQ community

I have to give Ron Razete of Peace, Love and Little Donuts credit. His anti-gay bigotry was on display in the Post-Gazette, the Pgh City Paper, national blogs and the Urban Spoon and he didn't miss beat nor repent a single vile word he spewed.  What did he say?  Here are some excerpts from his now […]

LGBTQ meeting with Specter

Senator Arlen Specter invites our community to meet with him.  He's having a private meeting with a few LGBTQ leaders and then a reception open to the general public.  Sadly, media are not invited to the private meeting.  The good thing is that they consider bloggers media so all four of us can pat ourselves […]

Reminder … Twitter List

Hey, I know I've told you about this before … but I'm trying very hard to keep current a Twitter list of local and statewide politicians.  This is a most excellent way to observe the politicians in their natural habitat!  LOL.  Seriously, such a great way to see what matters to them and make some […]

What we missed: the trib on gays

We like to keep up with local media coverage on LGBTQ issues, but things occasionally slip by us. The Tribune Review ran a little AP piece on world condemnation of a Papal comment linking homosexuality and pedophilia.  “Many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relation between celibacy and pedophilia,” the Italian cardinal […]