Reflections on 30 Year Anniversary of March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, Bi Equal Rights and Liberation on April 25, 1993

America’s Civil Rights Agenda Stalled as Attacks on LGBTQIA People Expand Almost thirty years ago, on April 25, 1993, nearly 1,000,000 people marched onto the nation’s capitol in the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, Bi Equal Rights and Liberation. This is a guest blog post by Pittsburgh based queer activist Billy Hileman. Billy was […]

Sitting in Lynn Cullen’s Shadow

The first time I called Lynn Cullen’s talk radio program was in 1999. I was living in my parents basement while finishing graduate school. I have no recollection of why I called or what I wanted to say, I just remember what she said to me. Her sister Susan was on the air with her […]

Q&A with Bobby Wilson, Candidate for City Council, District 1

I’m proud to have passed three bills that, while they are primarily aimed at protecting reproductive freedom, they also have significant implications for the LGBTQ community. Historically, LGBTQ individuals have faced barriers to accessing healthcare, including reproductive healthcare. The overturning of Roe v. Wade and other related decisions by the Supreme Court not only impacts […]

Q&A with Rachel Rosnick, Candidate for Magisterial District Judge 05-2-31

The banning and/or criminalization of gender-affirming healthcare, reproductive healthcare, trans youth’s participation in sports, and forms of self-expression, such as drag, are hugely important right now. While these attacks are being primarily advanced through the legislature, any expansion of existing criminal codes as well as any arrests made during demonstrations against such legislation will be […]

Q&A with Sara Innamorato, Candidate for Allegheny County Chief Executive

I speak to people all across the county and the state in my current job as a State Representative and now as a candidate for Allegheny County Executive and the high price of housing and rents is something I hear about more than nearly any other issue. It is on the minds of everyone, whether […]

Black Trans Woman Rasheeda Williams Killed in Atlanta

35-year-old Black trans woman Rasheeda Williams was shot and killed in Atlanta on Tuesday, April 18, 2023. Rasheeda was a performance artist known as Koko Da Doll and Hollywood Koko Police reports indicate a person was found dead near a shopping plaza in southwest Atlanta. They confirmed a person was found shot to death at […]

The Pittsburgh Free Pet Stuff Store Now Accepting Donations of Gently Used Pet Items

Your semi-regular reminder that the #FreePetStuffStore accepts gently used pet stuff items to redistribute to colony caretakers, rescuers, trappers, and pet owners. We have a storage unit that is currently storing our soon-to-be-built shed. The title Free Pet Stuff Store 15233 is a working title to describe a Free Store focusing on gently used and excess pet […]

ANOTHER Update on Campaign Q&A’s for 2023 Primary Election – Now With More Updates!

Our previous update was in late February 2023. We’ve now published a total of 22 completed Q&As. In total, we connected with 32 candidates. Of those remaining, 1 has withdrawn, 1 won their special election, leaving 8 to get back to us. Of course, we are still willing to create Q&A’s for other candidates in […]

ISO Recommendations for Housecleaning Services on Northside

ISO recommendations for housecleaning services. Ideally: no dishes, no laundry, no pet duties, no putting away our stuff, no bedmaking, no heavy lifting We will pay $20-$30/hour with four hour minimum every other week. I am home, but I’ll stay out of your way and won’tinterrupt you with chit chat. We have lots of supplies […]

Q&A with Michael Lamb, Candidate for Allegheny County Chief Executive

To date, Mike Lamb is the first and only candidate for County Chief Executive to respond to this Q&A. Others have requested, but not returned a completed Q&A yet. Make of that what you will. Housing is the most basic of human needs and rights. Affordable housing needs to be a priority for our next […]