Catching up with the Trib: GLSEN bashing

Guest columnist Mary Grabar doesn't like new school curricula that teach kids coping skills.  While opinining about this in the Tribune Review, she just can't resist a full body slam of GLSEN – the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network. While most people would consider an activist like Kevin Jennings, who founded the Gay, Lesbian […]

Desserts for Democrats: Great Way to Get Involved

Save the Date: Sunday April 25 at 2 PM This is a fun event with good conversation and, of course, great desserts. It is really empowering to have two women taking the lead with a political event. The event is at 1343 Sharps Hill Road 15215. Following up on my previous post, this is a […]

The Meanest Town in America and a Foster Care Bill in Pennsylvania

Quite a disturing tale from Mississippi …. you remember Constance McMillen who just wanted to take her girlfriend to the prom.  Then came outrage, banishment, the ACLU, court cases, media frenzy … and a fake prom.  Yes, the senior class held a “private prom” and sent Constance, her date and five special needs children to […]

Threat to Rendell: Wouldn't this be a good use of Corbett's office?

I mean really … from Gov. Rendell was among at least 30 governors to receive a letter this week from an extremist antigovernment group demanding that he resign or face being “removed from office,” according to officials in the Philadelphia office of the FBI. Rendell received the letter within the last 48 hours and […]

Stopping by the Tribune Review

What an odd duck of a newspaper. It regularly runs anti-LGBT columns, such as the one below, but will occasionlly print a delightful little story about a teenaged lesbian living in a rural Mon Valley town. Anyway, this gem was printed a few days ago in defense of poor Catholic Charities, bemoaning the utter destruction […]

PG: online commentary

When I began blogging, I dedicated many posts to the letters to the editor to demonstrate that civil minded people were speaking out on LGBTQ issues. This pretty much requires me to search the papers daily with LGBTQ keywords (typically, gay and homosexual — the fact that stories about lesbisn WITHOUT the word gay is […]

Tony Norman on Facebook

If you are a Tony Norman fan, go here:

Civil Union Legislation May Be Introduced in PA House

From the Philly Gay News … A Pennsylvania lawmaker is gathering legislative support for a bill that would make civil unions for same-sex couples a reality in the Keystone State. The measure, the first of its kind in the Pennsylvania legislature, is being spearheaded by Pennsylvania Rep. Mark Cohen (D-202nd Dist.). Cohen said he’s so […]

LGBT welcoming church in Duquesne; challenges in Kittaning

The Post-Gazette has a lovely description of a (somewhat) authentic Hungarian wedding which took place in Duquesne over the weekend at the Hungarian Reformed Church.  The bride's brother is a member of the LGBT community who recently relocated out of state.  Here's the interesting part: Church leaders said they are hoping that groups not ordinarily […]

Hoeffel and Leach

First, a link to the blog of Senator Daylin Leach, Daylinsights.  He's taking on AG Tom Corbett. All of this is unnecessary. This lawsuit will proceed and the court’s decision will be binding on Pennsylvania with or without Mr. Corbett’s name on it, which begs the question of why he felt it necessary invest Pennsylvania […]