Argentina first Latin American nation to approve marriage equality

Argentina first Latin American nation to approve marriage equality

Hurrah for Argentina. BUENOS AIRES — Argentina's Senate narrowly approved a law early on Thursday authorizing same-sex marriages, making Argentina the first country in Latin America to allow gay couples to wed.   <snip>   But in a region where the separation of church and state is not always so clear, the law demonstrated a […]

Call to Action on Marriage Equality

Call to Action on Marriage Equality

Now is the time, according to Thomas C. Waters, for you to have a significant impact on the attempt to move the “Marriage Protection” amendment out of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Check out his blog for details. Two quick side notes of interest. Senator Barry Stout's seat is up for grabs as he retires.  Stout […]

Hurrah for Marriage Equality in DC! #DC4M

Hurrah for Marriage Equality in DC! #DC4M

It is exhilerating that we could drive a mere 4 hours and get married, even if it would not be recognized in Pennsylvania. Congratulation to our advocates, allies and resident of Washington, DC on a truly historic day.  ps:  today is the first day that same sex couples can apply for marriage licenses. 

West Virginia on brink of anti-marriage equality amendment; could PA be next?

West Virginia on brink of anti-marriage equality amendment; could PA be next?

Well, I'll Towleroad fill you in … West Virginia delegates are considering a “drastic” parliamentary move to discharge a bill from committee that would allow debate on a measure to constitutionally ban same-sex marriage: “Bi-partisan support of the so-called marriage protection amendment includes the majority leader as well as minority leader Tim Armstead, R-Kanawha. He’s […]

Letter to the Editor: Marriage Equality

Letter to the Editor:  Marriage Equality

Always a lift to read a suuportive letter to the editor.  Not a fan of “sexual preference”, but I agree that marriage equality is about the community and region as much as it is about individual civil rights.  Local leadership: the next step The leadership in our city has done so many things right over […]

Pennsylvania Marriage Equality Debate on WHYY Friday AM

Pennsylvania Marriage Equality Debate on WHYY Friday AM

Senator Daylin Leach, author of Pennsylvania's Marriage Equality legislation, will debate Senator John Eichelberger (R- Blair County), author of the so-called “Marriage Protection Amendment” this Friday on Philadelphia's WHYY at 10 AM. Recently, I introduced Senate Bill 935, a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania. S.B. 935 would allow our state to join […]

Yet another marriage equality letter to the editor

Yet another marriage equality letter to the editor

Proponents of equality:  IV Bigots: III Scott Bell of Ross writes in response to a reader's complaint that the PG had not delved deeply into the religious history of marriage.  Scott puts that complaint in context: Ms. Evans is correct that marriage under the umbrella of religion has a long history. She left out the […]

Marriage Equality March on Washington and other news

Marriage Equality March on Washington and other news

Cleve Jones (of Milk fame) is calling for an October 11 March on Washington for Gay Marriage.  Pam's House Blend is not in favor of the idea.  Bil Browning from the Bilerico Project has a list of 10 reasons why this is not a workable idea.  What are your thoughts?  I'm personally not driving to […]

I went to a meeting and New Hampshire got marriage equality

I went to a meeting and New Hampshire got marriage equality

Big night. First, how about New Hampshire?  Now six states offer marriage equality to their residents.  Second, the Humane Society recycling fiasco gets increasingly snarled.  Matted, perhaps?  Read the article and tell me if you share my outrage that the local organizations are upset MORE about their lost profits than by the toxic destruction being […]

Post-Gazette poll on marriage equality

Post-Gazette poll on marriage equality

Vote here: