Sally Kalson – Good Families, Good Laws

Great piece from Sally on the need for good laws to help families of all types step up when crisis happens. Despite all efforts to the contrary, the United States is still not a theocracy. Yet the growing acceptance of same-sex relationships — from the move to end the military's “don't ask, don't tell” policy […]

When In-Laws Agree: Joe Hoeffel

My mother-in-law is a Democrat with liberal leanings.  My father is a Catholic Republican with small government leanings.  My cousin is well, I don't know, but a proponent of education, decent roads and elected officials paying attention to small towns.  In the past 24 hours, I've had conversations with all three about my reasons for […]

Virginia Says Academic Institutions Can't Ban Discimination

You just need to read this for yourself …from the AP. Virginia's attorney general has advised the state's public colleges that they don't have the authority to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation, saying only the state legislature has that power. The letter sent by Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli to state college presidents and other […]

Queer Culture Conference at Pitt in April

Thought this is something interesting worth noting ….The conference is April 1-3 at the University of Pittsburgh.  Just one of those things you might not realize takes place in Pittsburgh (unless you subscribe to the Queer Events list). Sexuality Studies and LGBT Activism in Latin America The Sixth International Latin American Cultural Studies Conference, to […]

Are you wondering what the heck the marcellus shale is? Joe Hoeffel explains it all …

The Marcellus Shale and Responsible Development The extraction of Marcellus Shale natural gas represents an entirely new economy for Pennsylvania. It has the potential to create thousands of jobs, drive local economies, and build revenue for the commonwealth. Drilling in the Marcellus Shale also opens up new environmental concerns with extremely serious consequences for all […]

Adam Ravenstahl Emerges

2 Political Junkies has the story … Actually, his name is pretty much all we know about Adam Ravenstahl (other than he's Lil Mayor Luke's baby bro and he's running for PA State Rep). And, it's not just us. Adam's not returning calls or written requests from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. His campaign web site doesn't […]

Repeal DADT Virtual Lobby Day

From the Human Rights Campaign: Here’s what you can do: First, go to our special action page where you can email your elected officials. Follow-up with a phone call.  The Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121. Tell them where you live, and they’ll connect you to any of your lawmakers’ offices. Tell your lawmakers that you’re calling […]

Weds Round Up

Some photos from DC on the first day same sex couples are eligible to apply for marriage licenses. There's a new blog dedicated to the alleged misleading campaign statements made by Dan Onorato.  h/t 2 Political Junkies Dan's Land of Make Believe   I don't see a rainbow flag in this picture.  🙁 Lehigh Valley […]

Hurrah for Marriage Equality in DC! #DC4M

It is exhilerating that we could drive a mere 4 hours and get married, even if it would not be recognized in Pennsylvania. Congratulation to our advocates, allies and resident of Washington, DC on a truly historic day.  ps:  today is the first day that same sex couples can apply for marriage licenses. 

Joe Hoeffel … I mean the man just rocks

Last night, we had a little gathering at Hoi Polloi Cafe for folks to get to know Joe Hoeffel. We had a chance to interact with Joe live via Skype which was very cool.  I felt like a babbling idiot because he's so incredibly smart and I don't quite understand progressive taxation.  But I'll learn!  So […]