Daylin Leach Blogs!

We may be ushering in a new era of political, er, politician blogging.  Daylin Leach unveils his blog … I am doing this because like most bloggers I think I have something to say. I'm doing it because sometimes when I hear the people who are paid millions of dollars to argue my side of […]

Letter to the editor – DADT

Karen Mesko's piece in the Post-Gazette draw an appreciative letter from another person discharged under this policy. Essay hit home Thank you for publishing the excellent piece by Karen Mesko regarding the “don't ask, don't tell” policy (“To Be a Soldier … or a Human Being,” Feb. 21 Forum). I was discharged under “don't ask, […]


I'm hanging at Hoi Polloi today.  I fully intended to find good information on LGBT community, but I've been distracted by the Scrabble and news from the earthquakes in Chili and Argentina. So here's a little round up. An Italian chef was fired for suggesting, however tongue in cheek, that people could cook their cats […]

We are having a "Coffee" House Party for Joe Hoeffel and You Are Invited!

If you are free Sunday evening, please join us at Hoi Polloi for a “house” party for Joe Hoeffel.  Joe will be joining us via videoconference to take your live questions. So this is a great opportunity to talk informally with the campaign staff AND to ask your specific questions.  We'll have some of Hoi Polloi's […]

I just joined WDUQ

They had me when I saw this …   Partner/Spouse!  We even get top billing. 

The Candidate Who Notices Important Steps Toward Equality


I know, I know …

I promise I will post about the Mayor's LGBT Advisory Council meeting.  I can't promise to be particularly witty.  I've been debriefed by no less than five people about this meeting, including someone from the Mayor's team, so I'm already a little over it.  However, I spent more than 12 months pushing for this Council […]

PG Stuff N That

Some good news from the PA Supreme  Superior Court … In an opinion that at once awarded homosexual parents equal custody rights and criticized a Dauphin County Common Pleas judge for potential gender bias, the state Superior Court overturned a 25-year-old precedent. The previous precedent, the court wrote in a 7-1 opinion, set a presumption […]

Live Tweeting Mayor's LGBT Advisory Meeting Tonight

Tonight, the Mayor's LGBT Advisory Committee will be holding its first meeting with representatives of the community.  I will be live tweeting the meeting so you can be there, too!  The invitation asked us to bring along our top three concerns/issues related to the LGBT community in Pittsburgh.  I have one very concrete, easy to address […]

WV House keeps "marriage protection" amendment from floor vote

Good news from West Virginia. (h/t Fairness West Virginia) GOP delegates unsuccessfully tried to force a floor vote on a bipartisan resolution (HJR5) called the “Marriage Protection Amendment.” The proposal calls for a statewide referendum on whether to amend West Virginia's constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman. This week, Republicans […]