The Big LGBTQ Planning Meeting

The Big LGBTQ Planning Meeting

What are you doing on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 7 PM?  You could be part of planning to make a big ole LGBTQ political whallop during Pride month … remember when Pride was an activist event in and of itself?  Just the act of standing next to other queer identified people in a public […]

Of gay funerals and gay retirements

Of gay funerals and gay retirements

It has been suggested to me that the Post-Gazette and other local media sources are weak on coverage of LGBTQ stories, suggested that this is conventional wisdom. I disagree.  While our local media needs improvement, the PG is particularly attentive to LGBTQ issues. I suspect the issue is that the local media doesn't act as a […]

Sunday This and That

Sunday This and That

Brrrr… I'm meeting with someone from the Pride Committee today to chat about their plans for 2010. It is very nice to think about Pride aka June on a day like this.  I like days that lead to snuggling on the couch with a book, but not to going outside for errands.  Unfortunately, I need […]

Philly Gay News names Person of the Year

Philly Gay News names Person of the Year

The Philly Gay News has named former Executive Director of the William Way LGBT Community Center, 'Dolph Ward, as Person of the Year. The GLCC has copies of the Philly Gay News on hand if you want to read it.  You can also follow on Facebook for updates.  So many thing about this story show […]

Untitled by Frances Monaghan aka Ms. Mon

Untitled by Frances Monaghan aka Ms. Mon

No one knows this, but the woman who inspired the character, “Vivian, the Angry Copyreader,” on my blog, Ms. Adventures on the Mon, was Chris Biancheria. She worked at The Pitt News copy desk when I was a writer there, back in the late '80s. And she was gay. She had an extremely dry sense […]

Hlavac Referrals

Hlavac Referrals

I just want to say that I'm pretty amazed at the number of people googling/searching for information on Sgt. Eugene Hlavac, as well as how once they arrive at the site, they tend to poke around a bit.  Clearly, people are paying attention to this story and searching for information/opinions — whether they support him, […]

Random Things of Interest

Random Things of Interest

Found this on the Post-Gazette website: A hidden bias comes to light Social psychologists Hartmut Blank and Amy Hendren at the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom set up an experiment in which 240 people were approached on the street and asked if they could spare 10 pence for a parking meter. In some […]

This one goes out to the FOP with love from the women of Pittsburgh

This one goes out to the FOP with love from the women of Pittsburgh

Its a Celebration!

Its a Celebration!

FOP throws down on "women's groups"

FOP throws down on "women's groups"

Oh, snap.  FOP President Dan O'Hara did not just go there.  Oh. Yes. He. Did. Officer O'Hara called the police bureau's decision to even hold a hearing a “miscarriage of justice.” “This should be tried in the courts,” said Officer O'Hara. He said the city's decision to act quickly was based on pressure from women's […]