How I Spent My Tuesday Night

Tonight, I wrote down what other people had to say, carefully limiting my commentary to the occasional doodle on the edge of the page. Tonight, and for the next two months, I volunteered to be the interim-secretary for the Steel City Stonewall Democrats Board meeting.  I am not a board member, just a volunteer.  Ledcat […]

LGBTQ advocacy on federal hate crimes may assist in justice for Jennifer Daugherty

I was horrified to the point of weeping when I sat in my office and caught a PG tweet about the brutal violation of the life of Jennifer Daugherty. I've worked with adults with mental and developmental disabilities for several years so I got right away the depravity of how she was victimized and murdered.  […]

Things you should know about today!

HuffPo has a good piece about Immigration Equality. Have you considered the impact second-class citizenship has on families where one parent faces the possibility of deportation?  Not because they are here illegally or have done anything wrong, but because heterosexual families can use a legal marriage to sponsor their loved one.  A documentary debuts today.  […]

Event – Be Steel My Beating Heart TONIGHT

This sounds like a good time. Be Steel My Beating Heart – Variety Show and Dance Party A Celebration of Non-Traditional Romance Call for Variety!! Sing! Dance! Music! Poet! Drag! Skit! Read! Demonstrate! Puppet! Pontificate! Ice Sculpture! You tell me!5 minutes or Less!Saturday February 13thBelvedere's in Lawrenceville 4016 Butler Street 8 -11 Variety Show11-2 am […]


I just peeked at my stats.  Wow, Facebook is driving 84% of your visits.  Wow. Since I push links through to Facebook through Twitter, I'd say social media is really an important tool to bloggers.  Another interesting result.  While combinations of “lesbian” and “Pittsburgh” in various forms are the most oft used keywords for search engines, […]

P.S. – Why I Didin't Go

Recently, I was invited to attend a meeting with Onorato.  I asked if someone from the queer-identified community could attend and I was told no, it was invitation only.  Then I was told it was a meeting for people who supported Onorato.  I explored that a bit with others attending and decided that I didn't […]

Civil Rights Have Never Been Won By Politely Asking For Them, They Have Been Won By Demanding Them

Is it time for LGBTQ activists to pay Mr. Onorato a faith-based visit?

Lez Get Real has a story on a planned direct action at the Cathedral in Chicago led by long-time activist Andy Thayer. To back his point Thayer told LGR, “This is not just about the equal right to marry. In Illinois, Cardinal George and his predecessors over the years have worked behind the scenes to […]

Why does Harold Ford's run for the Senate impact Onorato?

The New York Times interviewed Emily Ford, wife of candidate for the open Senate Seat from New York.  In this interview, she takes some credit for Ford's recent much lauded turnabout on LGBTQ issues. Already, some members of the Democratic establishment have accused him of reversing his opposition to same-sex marriage and to flipping from […]

Report from the field

Does anyone else have a dedicated pair of snow shoveling jeans? Mine hang in kitchen to dry. I put them on for a grocery trip to work. That was a good idea as I was engulfed in a snow bank at Giant Eagle AND at the drop-off site. So now I've got thigh high wet […]