Philadelphia Frustration

The old joke about the divide between Pgh and Philly seems to have some truth which is not funny. I'm going to try and do a better job of sharing developing Philly news with you.  Philly has an LGBT Police Liaison Committee.  Dear Lord in Heaven. Can you imagine?  We can't even get a coherent spokesperson […]

A few things of interest

The Post-Gazette sums up Sunday's Gubernatorial Debate with nothing particularly earthshattering with regard to LGBT political news. This was during the 14th Ward Independent Democratic Political Club debate, considered one of the most significant progressive endorsements in the region. On abortion rights and gay marriage, Mr. Hoeffel and Mr. Doherty repeated their more liberal positions, […]

So much has been happening.  I've been so busy at work that I've hardly had time to keep up with email and Facebook, much less blog.  Let's do the LGBTQ stuff first. The bastion of Catholic goodness, Notre Dame, is suffering some backlash after publishing this cartoon in the student newspaper.   (h/t Pam's House Blend) The paper has […]

Saturday on the couch with a cup of coffee

The boys decided they really had to visit the backyard at 6:30 AM so up I got.  Now I'm coffee'd up and had the wonderful joy of listening to my neighbor laying on her horn for ten minutes to get her kids out of the door.  Which brings me to the number one topic of […]

Breaking: Pennsylvania Courts to Offer Domestic Partner Benefits

Another step forward for Pennsylvania's public employees.  From the Philly Gay News: Employees of Pennsylvania’s court system who are in same-sex relationships will now be entitled to the same benefits as their heterosexual married counterparts. The domestic-partner policy, announced Jan. 29 to all employees through a memo with their paystubs, will allow the partners of […]

Pgh Stonewall Dems Search for Social Media Editor

I'm very pleased that Steel-City Stonewall Democrats are on the search for a volunteer to focus solely on social media.  I've been working on this project with other local LGBT social media users and really want to applaud the group for embracing these tools to support their mission.  The job description is also attached to […]


Peduto endorses Joe Hoeffel. “Joe Hoeffel is a progressive leader who will fight for Pennsylvania,” Peduto said. “I am supporting Joe, because he understands the challenges facing communities like Pittsburgh, and he isn’t afraid to make the tough decisions to change the direction of our economy for the benefit of working families. He has a […]

Florida Gay Adoption and Other Stuff

From the Orlando Sentinel comes a thoughtful story on an impending court ruling regarding the constitutionality of a statewide ban on LGBT adoption. Florida is the only state that outright bans adoptions by gay people, although it allows gays and lesbians to be foster parents. In November 2008, Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Cindy Lederman ruled that […]

Does background as Scout master bias judge in Philly Scouting case?

The Philly Gay News is reporting that the federal judge who recently issued an injuction in a case involving the City of Philadelphia and the Boy Scouts was himself a Scout official. The twist is that his time with the Scouts did overlap his time on Philadelphia Common Pleas Court.  Philadelphia has been providing a City […]

Focus on the Family and ther Superbowl: Is CBS biased toward anti-choice social issues?

Major fail on the part of CBS with regard to accepting faith based advertising. You might recall back 2006, the United Church of Christ wanted to run a series of ads reaching out to the “unchurched” with a bit of pizzaz.  CBS rejected the advertising, deeming them “too controversial” for network television.  Here is one […]