Onorato favors "civil unions" but denies his gay employees health insurance for their families

Yeah, I'm that impressed with the tip I received last night that Onorato had publicly stated his support for civil union at a rally in York, PA yesterday afternoon.  I confirmed with a campaign source, but I don't have any further details.  This is a long way from the candidate who simply refused to answer […]

Facebook Friends

I love that Forever Home Beagle Rescue has four times the Facebook fans as Pgh Lesbian Correspondents.  I'm biased because I'm working on a pet food drive to help the hungry four footed friends.  One thing I love about Forever Home is their stated dedication to prevent homeless pettedness by working with families before they […]

Round Up

So here's what you might want to check out The trial challening California's Proposition 8 is underway.  While the video is on hold pending a Supreme Court review, you can follow it pretty well on Twitter using hashtag #Prop8.  Potter has the latest take on the Prevailing Wage legislation.  My new City Councilperson, Daniel Lavelle, […]

Belated Congratulations on 4 Excellent Years by Bram Reichbaum

A few of you probably know that I'm wrapping up the Comet after a mere three years — so the idea that Sue has been blogging for four and is still working with a full head of steam is just mind-blowing to me.  Mind-blowing and impressive.  One thing I can salute Sue for is that […]

Lesbian elected official serves as surrogate mother

I must say that Utah and the Mormons are a very interesting lot.  This from the Post-Gazette: State Rep. Christine Johnson will serve an additional role when the Utah Legislature convenes this month. The lesbian lawmaker announced she's a surrogate mother, carrying a baby for two gay men. Ms. Johnson, D-Salt Lake City, said she […]

GLCC KidsFest Planned for January

Saturday, January 23, 2010 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 210 Grant Street, Downtown Come enjoy the festivities in celebration of all of our families! Kidsfest hface painting h crafts table h ping-pong tournament h karaoke h games & prizes h children’s reading hour h free check-ups by Adagio Health Demonstrations by: The Extreme Strings Children’s […]

Friday Random

Marriage equality dealt another blow in New Jersey when the NJ Senate votes down the bill. Please, please don't let this issue drive PA in 2010.  Please.  The Mayor plans to introduce rules which would expand his “zero tolerance” approach to domestic violence to the entire City workforce, not just the police.  One of my main […]

The Big LGBTQ Planning Meeting

What are you doing on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 7 PM?  You could be part of planning to make a big ole LGBTQ political whallop during Pride month … remember when Pride was an activist event in and of itself?  Just the act of standing next to other queer identified people in a public […]

Of gay funerals and gay retirements

It has been suggested to me that the Post-Gazette and other local media sources are weak on coverage of LGBTQ stories, suggested that this is conventional wisdom. I disagree.  While our local media needs improvement, the PG is particularly attentive to LGBTQ issues. I suspect the issue is that the local media doesn't act as a […]

Sunday This and That

Brrrr… I'm meeting with someone from the Pride Committee today to chat about their plans for 2010. It is very nice to think about Pride aka June on a day like this.  I like days that lead to snuggling on the couch with a book, but not to going outside for errands.  Unfortunately, I need […]