Visibility by George Hazimanolis

Congratulations to Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents on four great years of reporting on the LGBT community in and around Pittsburgh.  I try to check in every day to see what the topic is, sometimes leave a comment or two, and often wish that more people would comment to keep the discussion going. I enjoy the blog […]

Blogiversary 2009 – The Plan

December 29 marks the end of my fourth year contributing to the Burghosphere.  Wow. And to commemorate the event, someone posted the obligatory women are fat/mentally ill/unbelievable slant in the comments section.  I must be doing something right (write?) if I still generate that sort of sniveling response from people who want me to just […]

Accolades and Anniversaries

Well, well, well.  It has been quite a week for us here at Lesbian Central as we get ready to celebrate our 4th anniversary on Tuesday. First, the always surprising Mr. Potter singled out our blog and Maria of 2 Political Junkies for “shout outs” of sorts in his Christmas Eve summary of gifts he's […]

Post Holiday Round Up

Prepare for a week of year end “round up” columns and stories, “Best Ofs” and all sorts of summaries by the opinion leaders.  E.J. Dionne identifies a 2009 shift: It is 2009's quiet story — quiet because it's about what didn't happen, which can be as important as what did. In this highly partisan year, […]

Following up on Hlavac

Man, am I in trouble.  In between the festivities, I spent time on the phone and email trying to verify the KDKA report on Hlavac on which I reported yesterday.  No other media outlet picked up the story which has led a few folks to ask me if I accurately reported on the KDKA story. […]

Christmas Wishes …

Holiday Avatar.jpg

Office Hlavac Fired

Women in Pittsburgh are rightfully angered by the Ravenstahl Administration's bumbling on the domestic violence charges against Sgt Eugene Hlavac who stands accused of a charge of simple assault for punching his ex-girlfriend in the face hard enough to dislocate her jaw. In 2007, Ravenstahl and his team of top brass pledged a zero-tolerance policy […]

Happy Holidays

I am not sure I will make it to the computer so I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I am grateful for our thoughtful readers and I am also grateful that my use of Merry Christmas earns me bonus points on the AFA Naughty or Nice list. Today, Ledcat and I had […]

Could foursquare change politics? is *supposed* to promote social and recreation venues.  It was recently voted the second most popular social media application on So I started thinking … what if foursquare were tweeked a little bit to promote municipal and political events? For example, JeanneKCC live tweeted from the preliminary hearing for Eugen Hlavac, woman beater […]