Following politicians and elected officials on Twitter

I've created a Twitter “list” of Pgh regional and statewide elected officials and politicians using Twitter.  You can find it here: So far, I've identified 53 pol-tweeps.  The vast majority are members of the State House of Representatives.   From Pittsburgh, the pickings are a bit slim.  You can find Pgh City Councilmembers (and members-elect) […]

Sgt Hlavac facing assault charges opts to takes vacation

Ah, the price we citizens pay for the might of the FOP.  Sgt Hlavac is in the news again for dislocating the jaw of his ex-girlfriend and the mother of his child.  He claims he was defending himself.  Hmmm. Potter at the City Paper. After outrage greeted Hlavac's promotions, Ravenstahl pledged that a new domestic-violence […]

Contented thoughts

Has been a busy week at Lesbian Central. Steel City holiday party Weds eve was nice — they (we?)are looking for new board members. Give it some thought; you don't have to be a political junkie to make an impact. You just have to care and be willing to roll up your sleeves. I'd like […]


I know I won't have time to blog tomorrow so here are a few end of weekend thoughts … Saturday's Handmade Arcade was a really nice event.  Picked up some good gifts for my brother, mother-in-law and work folks.  Ran into a handful of acquaintances, but mostly reveled in the DIY niceness that pervades the […]

Friday Round Up

Feministing take on the Uganda Hate Bill. But it's important to remember that this bill is still AN ANTI-GAY BILL. No matter the severity of the suggested “punishment” for homosexuality, the premise is uber-problematic. I also think it's important to remember that the anti-gay sentiment that created the bill has not been eradicated. Good point. […]

Scott Mervis on the Boss — funny? amusing? lame? what say you ..

Yesterday, I posted a statement from Bruce Springsteen in support of marriage equality. “Like many of you who live in New Jersey, I've been following the progress of the marriage-equality legislation currently being considered in Trenton. I've long believed in and have always spoken out for the rights of same sex couples and fully agree […]

Letter to the Editor

It certainly has been a long time since we've had a letter to publish.  Bruce Wilder of Oakland writes to deplore the tactics of the Manhattan Principles. It is a lovely letter and a nice way to start Monday. If such a group wants to challenge our laws with civil disobedience, so be it. I […]


The Post-Gazette has published a lovely tribute to Pegasus, the landmark gay bar which closes this week. Besides its illustrious entertainment history, employees at Pegasus also served as an informal support group to young gays, offering them a place to stay temporarily if they had nowhere else to go, Mr. DeCecchis said. Such kindness was […]

Holiday Shopping and

Wow, first weekend in December and we've wrapped up most of our shopping.  I did about 30% online and the rest in local stores.  Of that, its a 50/50 split between small business shopping and chain store shopping.  I don't know what came over us.  We actually picked something up for the niece and nephew […]

Weekend Wrap Up

At the Bill Peduto fundraiser, we ran into Kevin Acklin who told us how much fun it was to watch the “Do They Know Its Christmas” video — what a blast from the past.  What's happening in the blogosphere this weekend? Pam's House Blend weighs in on Tiger Woods (love the “zipper down brigade” comment), […]