Wrap Up: Bash and Grand Opening

Thursday, I went down to 210 Grant Street for the official Grand Opening of the Gay & Lesbian Community Center's new digs.  The space is fabulous and the event was packed (hundreds and hundreds of people).  I ran into all sorts of folks from the hills and hollers of the region and didn't get home […]

The Week

Good news. Legislation that would expand hate crimes protections to include sexual orientation and gender identity has passed out of the PA House Judiciary Committee.  That's pretty cool.  I'm waiting for a press release from the advocacy groups, but this legislation has bipartisan support.  Did you know that current hate crimes laws do not protect people […]

Sunday Random Stuff

It has been a quiet week on the blog.  Aside from the small step toward City-County consolidation that leaves the LGBTQ community behind, not much has been happening.  Here's a few snippets … Another fine example of Pennsylvania pride, the “whites only” Valley Club is filing for bankruptcy in lieu of lawsuits filed on behalf […]

Mike Lamb & John Weinstein dismissing LGBT employees needs

This really angers me.  I have personally spoken with City Controller Michael Lamb, City Councilperson Bill Peduto and City Council President Doug Shields among others, ALL of whom have promised me that City County merger would not mean that City employees (or potential employees) lost benefits. The problem?  Well, the City of Pittsburgh, including most […]

Gay Bloggers close the gAyTM – should we follow suit here in Allegheny County?

Just caught “Don't Ask, Don't Give” on Pam's House Blend. The gays are getting pretty pissed off so they've “paused” donations to the party.  Direct donations to the campaign only.  Period.  More here at Ameriblog. Can you give examples of how the President and Democrats have not been fierce advocates for the civil rights of […]

Affordable Health Care for (Some) Americans Act passes

Last night was a tough one.  We came home intending to watch a movie and I screwed it up by getting sucked into the debate on healthcare … we hit the front door about 20 minutes before the vote on the Stupak (Women are Stupid) Amendment that made abortion unfundable across the nation.  A few […]

Doing It Right Via New Social Media — P.F. Changs

PF Changs is on Twitter. I followed them among a few other companies as an experiment to see if I would be overwhelmed with spammy tweets.  Instead, I got free appetizers and a great dining experience. After a few tweets sunk into my subconscious, I decided to take Ledcat out to P.F. Changs to test […]

What’s Going On …

Very sad news from Ft. Hood.  The backlash against mental health professionals makes me sad.  When people say things like “I deeply send condolences” while being interviewed on the set of Today, I don't believe them.  I think they deeply want the attention of the moment and care more about the limelight than helping America […]

The Good, The Bad and The Thing That Really Hurts

It is not a good post-election day to be a progressive queer person.  A few bright spots, but being at my laptop at 4:15 in the AM is not a good sign for my overall state of mind.  Tom Michalow was not successful in his bid for County Council.  He fought a good fight and […]

Steel City Stonewall Endorsements for November 3, 2009

Attached below, there is a copy you can print out and take with you to the polls on Tuesday. VOTE NOVEMBER 3rd 2009!!! It is critical that progressive people get out and vote this year!!! Statewide Judicial races dominate this year's elections. We all have seen in California, Massachusetts, & Vermont state courts play a […]