Library Questions

Throughout the discussion over the library closures, I keep wondering why we have a beautiful new library on the Northside (total of two now) while other communities may have none.  Perhaps it was dedicated funding?  I stopped by the new Allegheny branch on Federal Street.  It is big.  I didn't see many books, but I […]

“Off the Record” Please

The City Paper spilled the beans when they reported that the Mayor went far over the line: “Off the Record” gives local officials rebuttal time as “guest humorists.” And according to several witnesses who contacted us after the fact, Ravenstahl used his moment on stage to send a message to ACLU state legal director Vic […]


I did not sleep well yesterday so my critical analysis skills are limited.  For some reason, Wanda Sykes was my mail carrier and I had to fire her.  She did not take it well.  Caught this little gem in the Somerset newspaper – Does anyone know that Hitler and Stalin were nominated for the […]

Sunday’s Sister ShOUT – Pgh LGBT Film Festival & Win FREE passes

Tune in Sunday when we talk with Mitch Lieb about Pittsburgh's Lesbian and Gay Film Festival.  The show is broadcast live at 5 PM Courtesy of the Film Society, we are offering two free passes to a Festival film.  The drawing will be live on the broadcast.  To be eligible, you need to follow […]

HB 300: they just don’t understand

Word on the 'net is that this legislation will come to a floor vote in the Pennsylvania House sometime in November. There are 25 legislators in Pennsylvania who still don't believe/understand that our community experiences discrimination.  This seems to be the core issue — convincing them that the legislation is necessary to protect against a […]

Steel City Stonewall Slate Card for November 3 elections

Attached is the slate card information for the upcoming General election, including the Steel City endorsed candidates and a detailed explanation on the importance of the Supreme Court election.  Please download the file,  print out and take with you on election day.  Keep in mind that one of these elections was determined by 43 votes […]

The Business of the Weekend

My head is spinning and I suspect I might be either ill or just overwhelmed. Podcamp Pittsburgh 4 wrapped up this afternoon.  I learned a lot and met some really nice people.  Definitely plan to be there next year.  The session on advertising was great, but too short.  The session on dressing well for videobroadcasting was […]

Crap and then there was Podcamp

Today sucked.  Work was exhausting and I ended the day without completing the majority of it.  I had to play the boss card which is always lacking in funness.  Then I drove 2 hours in the rain on dark roads only to give up and go home so my dinner was a bag of chips.  […]

Weekly Lesbian Round Up: Pittsburgh Style

This weekend boasts National Coming Out Day on Sunday, October 11, 2009. There's this big march you may have heard about … this is a great rallying cry in the video above.  The march has been contentious as has been much of the “gay agenda” as we grow and groups emerge and differing opinions take […]

Comment Moderation

Good morning!  Just a quick note to let you know that I've turned on comment moderation for awhile. The pro-donut shop folks are getting a little over the top harassing me, to the point that I've had a casual chat with a lawyer.  They've had plenty of opportunity to make their points and can continue to […]