Things I’d like the Mayor’s LGBT Advisory Committee to weigh in on

In no particular order, these are topics I'm hoping the Mayor's LGBT Advisory Committtee will review. 1. Treat the Dykes fair and square.  In 2009, the Mayor's office was a $10,000 sponsor of PrideFest, ensuring the best in public safety and public works for an event worth tens of thousands of dollars.  2009 also marked […]

International Thoughts

A major disadvantage to our new podcast experiment has been less time for blogging.  In time for the G-20, a roundup of some international LGBTQ information and news …. Belgrade, Serbia has cancelled Gay Pride.  In spite of plans of horrific violent attacks from anti-gay foes, the government backed the event as a constitutional right, […]

2 LGBT political events coming up

Sunday from 2-4 PM at Monte Cello's on Babcock Boulevard, come out to support Allegheny County Council candidate Tom Michalow.  This event, sponsored by the Steel City Stonewall Democrats, gives you a chance to meet Tom and learn about his qualifications as well as the reasons LGBT persons from around the region are coalescing around […]

PA Rep Darryl Metcalfe won’t help victims of domestic violence because of ties to homosexual agenda

File this under WTF? Our home brewed hatefest that is Western Pennsylvania's House Rep Darryl Metcalfe strikes a blow again, literally, for the kind of perverted family values that revictimize victims of domestic violence.  From the Keystone Progress Blog: A simple resolution to recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month by the Pennsylvania House of […]


Tonight, my heart is heavy as I prepare to say good-bye to Guiding Light and wonder if there will be closure for Jeffrey and Reva?  And if I'll find a television for my 10 AM lunch break.  Sigh. We caught the quarterly LGBT Film Festival film tonight at the Southside Works. It was a lesbian […]

12:41 AM musings

Some things that might peak your interest … The Mayor's LGBT Advisory Committee had their first meeting on Tuesday around 8:30 AM.  I had previously contacted the individuals I had been advised (ha ha) would be serving and they basically sent me the exact sentences back in their various confirmation email messages.  We can expect […]

Possibly the Mayor’s Advisory Committee?

Ohhh, a good rumor is always fun.  People have been slipping me names all weekend and I think we have a list of potential members of the Mayor's LGBT Advisory Committee.  Details forthcoming …

Sister ShOUT has a webpage

Check out our webpage at I'm hoping we can add some great links to topics we discuss on our show.. Sunday, September 13 tune in for a lively discussion on the history of LGBT character and defining moments on broadcast television.  Our guest will be media maven and City Paper television critic Fran Monaghan.  […]

Random G-20 Question

There's a guy who takes an evening bus to work to clean a City office building for a little more than minimum wage.  He's a little afraid since the evening hours are anticipated to be the most confrontational.  Since he's not a City employee or a unionized employee, he has no choice.  His fear makes […]

Since it came up in the comments section …

First, Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's LGBT Advisory Committee.  Word from the Mayor's office is that an official announcement is imminent.  Now, this is what they told me in early August so frankly, I'm skeptical EXCEPT that it will be a nice little quasi-progressive pre-election move on the part of the campaign.  What we should be wondering […]