Women Candidates Disappearing

I had a great question sent to me privately about the my comment about female candidates disappearing with details on their very much alive campaigns. Here's what I wrote: (Yes, I realize that I complained during the endorsement meeting that all the women blended together, but I was probably onto something b/c they've all disappeared.) […]

Trib and 2 lines

The Trib mentions that the GLCC is moving.

A Challenge to the Mayoral Candidates

Sunday, September 13 is the date of the annual Steel City Stonewall Democrats Fall Barbecue (yes, the s;mores will return) featuring apppearances and speeches by politicians seeking LGBTQ support for their upcoming elections. The event runs from 2 PM – 6 PM.  Ledcat and I will have to boogie out early due to the podcast, […]

Labor Day Musings about Seniors

As per usual Americana, we “celebrated” the holiday by breakfasting at a local eatery (yes, Hoi Polloi) and then going retail at Staples, Target, Best Buy and Giant Eagle. I tried to muster up some sympathy for laborers, but the customer service experiences at the Cedar Avenue Giant Eagle are very trying.  Sigh.  When it comes […]

Sister ShOUT! debuts

The debut episode just aired to viewers of GayLifeTV and OutOnline.  The “official” Sister ShOUT page will be up in a few days so you can see the podcast.  It was a lot of fun and thanks to a very organized team, pretty smoothy.  Smoothiness. 🙂  I have a few links for you. Queer Events […]

Working out the Sister ShOUT kinks

Last night, Ledcat and I met with our producer – David from Gay Life TV and OutOnline.com.  We made some slight adjustments to the show — launch time is now 7 PM, instead of 6:30 PM (make a note!).  He gave us some background into the foray into gay online television and we ran down […]

Giant Eagle = major suckage

I hate poor customer service. Giant Eagle Mcintyre Square was horrible two weeks ago. I used the little form at the website to explain my displeasure. Two weeks later, nothing. If customer service doesn't respond to a customer service complaint well, I guess buiness must be good. Today, Ledcat and I tried to refill 2 […]

People getting hitched in Vermont; my take on PG+

Always glad when the PG picks up gay-positive news. Homos are now legally getting married in Vermont.  Reports that 18 Christo-bigots swooned and rumors that 11 marriages have been irreparably damaged after witnessing married gay people kissing.  Registries are booming.  Good stuff.  Hello economic gain.  Pam's Lurleen has the story, too. **************************************** Two days of […]

Sue’s Debut with Cue

September 2009 marks my debut article with Cue Pittsburgh, the region's newest LGBT publication.  A glossy magazine (think Whirl with more tiaras, fewer furs), Cue's success shows that Pittsburgh's community really is expanding in multiple directions.  I was asked to pen a piece about local florist and gourmet gift entrepreneur, K.S. Kennedy.  You've read my […]

Pittsburgh based VODcast debuts on OUTonline Sunday 9/6/2009

Its all the buzz at Lesbian Central — Ledcat and I are launching a VODcast (videocast) this coming weekend in partnership with OUTonline and GayLife TV. It is called “sister shOUT!” and will be a mix of queer women's news, album and social media reviews, updates on events and activities as well as a whole […]