Saying Good-Bye to Grandma

Saying Good-Bye to Grandma

She was not pleased when I came out as a lesbian, until she realized I was getting an award (40 Under 40) and would be wearing a skirt to receive it.  She came around and embraced Ledcat like another one of her grandkids.  Same gifts every holiday. She even remembered her as her dementia increased, a […]

PRIDEcast, Net Roots and Lesbians

PRIDEcast, Net Roots and Lesbians

This afternoon I was a guest on the local podcast, PRIDEcast, sponsored by OUTonline.  It was a lot of fun even though I was struggling with a cold.  I had a brief flirtation with a radio career so I was fine with the banter although anxious about the camera.  We chatted about a wide range […]

Pittsburgh Kiss In

Pittsburgh Kiss In

A Kiss In here in Pittsburgh? You must remember this A kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh The fundamental things apply As time goes by And when two lovers woo They still say, “I love you” On that you can rely No matter what the future brings As time goes […]

Diane Gramley a little behind the curve on spreadin’ the lies

Diane Gramley a little behind the curve on spreadin’ the lies

Talk about delayed reactions.  On July 1, Allegheny County Council passed the Countywide Non-Discrimination Ordinance.  On August 11, the American Family Association of PA prez Diane Gramley's ridiculous screech was printed in the Post-Gazette.  Not even worth quoting.  She's completely on to our hidden agenda to forcibly convert the Boy Scouts and send men in […]



Busy day.  We stopped by the Mall to discover that I have a “proprietory” watch (Fossil) which translates into driving to Grove City to buy a watch band.  Not cool, Fossil.  Not cool.  I'm planning on wearing my pocketless culottes tomorrow so I can't even carry around my Blackberry as I galivant between offices.  Not […]

Sometimes you feel like a blogger …

Sometimes you feel like a blogger …

you know where I was going with this one, right? It isn't a lack of queer news to report.  HB 300 is still alive and kicking in committee, but the lack of a budget puts that squarely on the back burner.  An inclusive-ENDA has been introduced in the House and Senate.  Doyle, Specter and Casey […]

Have you heard? The protestors are coming to eat your young.

Have you heard?  The protestors are coming to eat your young.

When I caught the Post-Gazette's latest attempt to generate G-20 buzz, I almost choked on my coffee.  Leaders for whom I hold a great deal of respect sound like hysterical school-girls who missed the activity bus.  We have an opportunity for public dialogue around our region's role in significant global issues and we end up […]

NetRoots Nation Conference and Pittsburgh

NetRoots Nation Conference and Pittsburgh

Looking for a few local folks interested in volunteering with the NetRoots Nation conference on Wednesday, August 12 to help prepare welcome packets.  If you can help welcome 2,000+ progressive bloggers to Pittsburgh, please let me know. 

Candlelight Vigil for Shooting Victims

Candlelight Vigil for Shooting Victims

The Women and Girls Foundation is sponsoring a candlelight vigil tomorrow (Thursday). The Women and Girls Foundation is organizing a candlelight vigil to be held in the portico of the City-County Building in Downtown, Pittsburgh, Thursday August 6th at 5:30pm to offer support and non-denominational prayers to the victims and families of the Collier Shooting. […]

ENDA Introduced in Senate with Casey and Specter’s Co-Sponsorship

ENDA Introduced in Senate with Casey and Specter’s Co-Sponsorship

Well, here's some good news on what's been a sad day in Pittsburgh.  The Employment Non-Discrimination Act has been introduced in the Senate (already introduced in the House.)  Bettter news? Both PA Senators are co-sponsors of the legislation. Even better?  The bill is trans-inclusive. An Oregon lawmaker made history Wednesday by introducing a version of […]