Fort Worth

The Post-Gazette carried the NYT story about the police raid on a gay bar in Ft. Worth.  You can read the full story at Pam's House Blend.  Ft.Worthians have created a new organization and defined this a unifying moment for the city's gay community. Related to that event, here's a post from a new radical […]

Candidate for Allegheny County Council Tom Michalow’s chimes in on the Human Relations Ordinance

Tom Michalow is running against sitting County Councilperson Matt Drozd for a northern suburban district.  Tom made time to attend the Council debate on the Human Relations ordinance and expressed disbelief at the “arguments” of the 6 dissenting members.  I like how Tom positions this as a human rights issue.  I am pleased to see […]

Statement from City Council President, Doug Shields

More statements about the passage of Allegheny County's Human Relations ordinance I am pleased that the county in some way recognized that all people have rights to be protected from discrimination based upon sexual identity. I am disappointed that a very simple constutional concept – equal protection under the law –  causes so much political […]

State Representative Dan Frankel on the Allegheny County Non-Dscrimination ordinance

Rep. Dan B. Frankel, State Representative, 23rd Legislative District  I’m sorry I can’t be here today in person to commend Allegheny County for addressing this critical issue of fairness under the law; but I wanted to put it on record that I very much hope you’ll see fit to create a Human Relations Commission for […]

Pgh Councilman Bruce Kraus on the Allegheny County Non-Discrimination ordinance

Public comment of Pittsburgh City Councilor Bruce Kraus at the July 1, 2009 Allegheny County Council meeting.  Years have passed since the Stonewall Riots gave birth to the fight to achieve social equality for GLBT people everywhere, and yet today, still the struggle continues. We struggle against the modern day Anita Bryant’s of the world, […]

Pivotal Civil Rights Victory in Western Pennsylvania

With the passage of the Allegheny County Human Relations Commission ordinance, Allegheny County has taken a step forward with regard to statewide equality for the LGBTQ community.  I was privileged to be in attendance at last night's meeting and witness this little bit of history.  I want to share with you the reflections of various community […]

Allegheny County Update

The vote was 8-6.  After a heated exchange, Allegheny County now has a Human Relations Commission and LGBTQ persons have protections.  It ain't perfect, but it is progress.  I am tired from tweeting the hearing and enjoying Chinese food afterward with a group of celebrants.  More tomorrow.   

PG Coverage on County Odinance and Other Stuff

The PG's Karamagi Rujumba took a well-placed stab at explaining the complicated Human Relations ordinance due for a vote tonight before the Allegheny County Council.  Best of all, he quotes a person of faith who isn't a bigot.  My apologies to the bigots out there who missed the opportunity to spew the hatred, but your […]

Explanation of the Philadelphia Model

This is the best explanation I've heard from Kris Rust, former chair of the Steel City Stonewall Democrats: “Philadelphia model – The biggest improvement in terms of BGLT rights, as I see it, is not writing into law that religious organizations who receive funding are exempt from the ordinance.  Since the ordinance is silent on […]

The Question Is …

… what happens Thursday morning if the ordinance doesn't pass (or gets tabled b/c of no show elected officials)?